Garden of Eden - Comments

  • Lucy Anathema.

    Lucy Anathema. (355)

    United States
    You were right, the story pretty much confused me; but not totally.

    This life that you live inside your head, it's beautiful and inspiring. I love that you've given something personal from your mind a form and shared it with us--well, curious people like me. I like to read and do my best to comment on stories that have no comments, even if they have a ton of readers. I feel like the author needs some type of feedback.

    The way you've written here is lovely. The words emanate a very peaceful, serene feeling. The whole chapter is set up very nicely.

    You're a wonderful writer.
    I have a profound love for the inside of your mind, even if that sounds creepy. 8)
    June 5th, 2011 at 04:58pm