Anything Broken Can Mend - Comments

  • Loved the update! It was very cute, I liked the little flashback. And I like that it was the way they met. :) And maybe a tad cliche, but I really liked it. :) You kind of made it your own.
    Aha, and I thought it was funny that Macy turned him down. Seeing as he was hoping she wouldn't. Players are always stopped at some point. I wonder what happened between them though? Because something obviously did.
    Great update! Can't wait for more! :D
    November 29th, 2011 at 01:02am
  • Please update this soon! I love it!
    October 16th, 2011 at 08:12pm
  • Yay, an update to this too! Awesome! :D
    lol. Loved the new chapter. lol. Hm... I'd say Macy was just a bit tipsy. :P
    Great update! Can't wait for more! :D
    September 19th, 2011 at 01:50am
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE the update :) I want more and more and moreeeee.
    September 18th, 2011 at 03:55am
  • I love everything about this story.
    September 11th, 2011 at 11:47pm
  • Gosh I really need to catch up on these stories. Just read both your beautiful stories and I'm so so excited for this story :)
    September 11th, 2011 at 11:06pm
  • Loved the update! :)
    Aw, I'm glad their meeting was civil. And that they didn't argue or nothing too bad happened. And, on the good part, they set rumors straight. :)
    Checked out the edited chapter, and I noticed the minor changes. Nice job. Can't wait to see how you change the story now. :)
    Can't wait for more! :D
    August 19th, 2011 at 02:40am
  • this is amazing!!! love it <333
    August 18th, 2011 at 06:56pm
  • Chapter One
    Illogical of course but like a once great - Illogical, of course or Illogical of course, - there should be a comma in there somewhere.

    And there was boy behind my madness. - a boy?

    To stay alive you got to be guarded - had rather than got

    I like how this chapter is all description - and it's about love and the small town the narrator grew up in. I really liked how you used rationality, love and madness, I thought that was a pretty good thing to do :) And I also liked how you presented the small town - that everyone is kinda in everyone else's business. I think it just creates that actual vibe of a small town compared to the happy-go-lucky vibes that people often use. :)

    Chapter Two
    pale red house were the paint - where

    but I can’t say the same for Mate. - couldn't - keep with the tense

    It felt tongue-tied as if I - I?

    be as sadden as I thought - sad or saddened

    she gave me a knowingly look - knowing

    I’m here now is too see him - I was there was to see him - keep with the tense again.

    Again, with the description, I like the homely feel of this chapter - how, while she left them, as a narrator she was able to give that homely vibe to the readers. :) I also like that the mother was a bit off when she opened the door, rather than super excited from the get-go, and I also like how the dog is stand-offish - it feels real.What's also good about this chapter is that there's that small understanding of a selfishness - that she should have been there - and that it seems to be setting the plot up a little bit more. :)

    Chapter Three
    as many onlookers witness - witnessed

    when his death become real - became

    so familiar but where just forgotten - were

    Their words that were suppose to help - supposed

    the feeling of lose or not. - loss

    those people downstairs know, - knew

    I don’t know what fascination - didn't

    I’m no saint, - I was no saint

    I think that line was a really good way to end the chapter - it reinforced those ideas of regret and being a little selfish about getting away from the town. I also like how the religious references speak those kinds of volumes - it works rather effectively. :)

    Chapter Four
    Just thought I give it - I'd

    changed but I knew ever single - every

    I wouldn’t have came. - come

    him for what he done - he had done or he did

    for what I’ve done. - I'd

    What really caught my attention in this chapter and the one before was the fact that previously, she was looking for Noah, that slight hope that he would be there. Then when she sees him in this chapter - she doesn't want him to be there, that he had the nerve to show up. I think it works in some ways, and then I think it doesn't. It works in the sense that they shared a past that the reader isn't fully aware of yet, and she might have thought there might be a little comfort with him - some familiarity seeing as her dad was dead. But on the other hand, she doesn't think he should be there - and for a small town, everyone is in everyone else's business, everyone would be talking and he probably knew the father. So it works in a way, but then it also just kinda contradicts everything else in a way. :/

    Chapter Five
    everyday of what use to be - used

    of dust in my review mirror - I think it's meant to be rear-view

    Even after the dust had settled and the damage was done, nothing would make me forget Noah Conyers. He was like a played out country song stuck in my head and after a while I stopped listening but I still knew every word, every beat. - I really like the description here. :) I think it really just shows how much of an effect/affect he had on her. :)

    when I just wonder how life - wondered

    and I can’t help but - couldn't

    thought I’d forgot all about - forgotten

    Chapter Six
    same people that they we’re stuck with from -were

    where everyone grew a little bit taller or - were that

    their ratty old cloths and - clothes?

    Noah never really spoken to her, - had never

    glance at her direction when she walked though the - in......through

    He was boy to tall for his age - a...too

    You don't need to go [flashback] [/flashback] with the chapter, the italics should be enough to show what you're doing. It just makes it look a bit weird. :/

    I like how this chapter shows that control he had - that power over her. He wants her, and he's so sure he's going to get her. That cockiness in the chapter just begins to show how their relationship might have been something just totally different in itself.

    Chapter Seven
    plaid shirt and had his hands were tucked into his blue jeans. - you don't need were in that sentence.

    Or maybe it will turn out - would

    Noah takes the stool next - took

    I think that you've got a nice plot, in a nice town with a good history to make something happen. I think your characters are different - well, Noah is, and that makes for an interesting story. :) I think, though, to be a little careful with Macy, because sometimes she sounds a bit off. Like she feels one way and then acts totally different - and it may work sometimes, but if it happens all the time, it just feels off. :/ Like why does she have to play the bitter ex-girlfriend? I don't think you've done enough development of their history to let the reader believe that she should be playing that role. :/

    I think you also need to read through your chapters after posting them, or maybe have someone else, because sometimes the tense is awkward to read, and there are simple errors of words that should be other words, like where and were - that one pops up a bit.

    But other than that, it's a nice little story, and it's definitely going somewhere, and I think Noah - as a character - really just captures the readers. :)
    August 15th, 2011 at 10:39pm
  • I like how you captured the small town mentally. It is very true and I also like the descriptiopns and detail you put in on the first chapter. What you said about love was and I don't often see that pov in stories on her. It was veryu good kudos to you.
    August 14th, 2011 at 09:47pm
  • Wow so this is extremely well written! I have to say I'm a bit jealous of how good of a writer you are! I absolutely loved your descriptions! I'm sorry this is such a sucky comment but it's after midnight. I promise I'll write a better one later & will definitely be back to read the rest. From what I've read so far this seems like an extremely good story.
    August 11th, 2011 at 06:14am
  • I absolutely love how you write. The detail is absolutely amazing, and I love how you describe everything. Especially in the first chapter, the way you describe the small town is amazing. Plus, the layout is gorgeous. :)
    August 9th, 2011 at 03:18am
  • Philosophers have tried for centuries (delete trying) to discover the truth about love but it’s too complex of an emotion to consistently define. From what I’ve experienced, love is the most dangerous and vile thing to be unleashed (delete on to and replace) unto mankind. Also 'There was a boy behind my madness.' In chapter 3, it's 'the feeling of loss.' Sorry, I'm a grammar nazi :P

    Anyways, I really like the story. Although your plotline is unique and incredibly interesting, it's your phrasing that keeps me reading. The way you write is just as good as what you write, and I find both of them to be incredible. Chapter six was easily my favorite. Your characters are so defined and realistic, and I honestly envy you for that. Fantastic work, and best of luck!
    August 9th, 2011 at 01:26am
  • Lovely. Really lovely. Like I said in my comment on your other story, The Principles of Human Anatomy, you really know how to pace a story. I like how you give us some information, but not enough so that we know what is happening. But there's enough to keep us intrigued and keep reading.

    You really do write well. And again, the layout is so pretty.

    There is nothing more irrational and thoughtless as love. I loved this whole introduction bit. :3 Really got me sucked into the story.

    Well done! :)
    July 20th, 2011 at 10:34am
  • I like that she's at least trying to make an effort to cheer up, I'm not a person who really takes that much of a liking to mope-y characters so seeing the effort really made me smile. But wow, that really has to be one small-ass town if they don't even name their bars. Even simple things like that show how the setting is, I like that! :D

    I like Avery too, he seems like a pretty cool guy. Even with his trust-fund he doesn't seem to up in himself and a pretty down-to-earth guy. The only thing that makes me sad is how he doesn't stay for long and I want Avery to stay. I LIKE HIM.

    "“Well I’ll be damned,”

    YOU DID NOT. JUST END IT. THERE. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR NOAH-MACY INTERACTION FOR TOO LONG. YOU CANNOT DO THIS TO ME. But on a good note, I am way, way, way excited to see what's going to happen between them. I wonder how bitter she's going to be, or all "look how cultured I am from New York" or something. Or if she's just going to like throw up on him out of nervous habit or something. There are so many possibilities and if you don't update soon I will be not very happy because I would very much like to know.

    My lord I really do love this story! :)
    July 19th, 2011 at 08:21pm
  • All I can say is I hope she isn't the bitter ex girlfriend cause then I'm gonna' be really mad at her! But otherwise, great update can't wait for more(:
    July 17th, 2011 at 01:11am
  • :o
    So... they meet again. Hm... I don't think it'll go too well, going by what's happened with the story so far. But maybe they're in a more calm mood now... who knows?
    Loved the update! Can't wait for more! :D
    July 13th, 2011 at 11:27pm
  • You seriously have the prettiest layouts that I cannot even. They are always so pretty and whimsical looking to me! And I've got a fetish for pretty and whimsical, so you are in a lot of luck.

    ... okay, I'll admit it, I'm one hella curious person so when I began reading it I was just like, I am one of the annoying people that pry into things that do not need prying into. I have yet to learn to stop looking for answers that are not there. Guilty as charged. :D

    I love the different perspectives on love though- usually it's one or the other but you mixed both in to sort of compliment each other, and I really like that. It definitely made me sort of already fall in love with this story! And I liked "the population staggering behind the number of cows." I thought that was a really cool description. I don't know why that of all things caught my eye, the least significant, but it did.

    Okay, girl, seriously. You had me hooked when you mentioned Noah. It's always a boy, isn't it? But it makes me wonder why she left... OH WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME? WHY DO YOU TEMPT ME SO? :D

    Your descriptions are seriously to die for. This is so unfair. I am so jealous of you when I read this. It's like, you add in those little bits that sort of give the entire thing character and a past, making it seem so much more real. Like the key under the flower pot and how it smells.

    I think it's nice how she has such a good relationship with her mom. It's tiring to see those stories where it's like "my mom is so horrible" and to find a realistic mom-daughter relationship, that's not perfect but not completely broken. It's sad that her dad died, though, and that she had to come back under those circumstances.

    BUT I'M REALLY EXCITED. What is she running from? And why does the dog hate her so much?

    The third chapter was really sad, but it did bring up a good point. It's always hard to recognize when it's too soon to stop or too long and it's always going to hurt when someone passes. It's like no one really knows that perfect time when to move on, and I liked that how you included that, I love it when a story has those hidden little themes for life. It always makes me happy to see one of those lines that make me stop and think for a moment.

    OH MY GOD IT'S NOAH. I LOVE HIM ALREADY. I DON'T KNOW WHY, HE JUST SEEMS SO SUAVE AND COOL-LIKE. What can I say? I'm attracted to suave and cool-like guys. It's sad though, how you mentioned he lost his boyish charm and was all distant. I mean, it makes me wonder about the kind of guy that would openly smoke in church, what his sort of morals were, aha.

    Obviously this brought up like twenty million questions. At first I thought it was more of her to blame, that she left him because of how she was looking for him, but now that he has some baggage to I am totally like "WHAT HAS HAPPENED?" I have way too many questions and not enough answers.

    Not cool, girl. :D

    There's nothing like a funeral to make you feel so alive.
    I'm not quite sure why, but I adored that line.

    I like how you sort of went back to the prologue, how no one should have enough power to tear someone down like that and that's exactly what love does- leaves someone vulnerable enough to let another person come and crash them down. And I did very much notice that little connection to the title for how broken she was.

    It's sad though, how she could never forget him. I can relate to that, in some sort of extent. Not seeing someone in forever but having them randomly pop up into your mind at times, I think almost everyone can. It's sort of like the sad truth that almost everyone has to go through that to some extent. But it makes me like her more, it's just heartbreaking to see how attached she was to him, all the things she remembered.


    I like the old Noah better than the new Noah, I will straight out admit it. He seemed to have that boyish awesome flare to him, and it makes me sad that he turned out to be so cold. WHY DID THEY BOTH GET SO DAMN DEPRESSED.

    I liked the flashback though, it was sort of like a cute and happy little break for all the sadness, and I smiled a little while reading it. Of course, your descriptions as always are on-key with the whole heat and September and lingering and me being overly jealous again. I like Noah's zeal though, his determination. It's got that sort of cute summer romance thing... even if it's in September.


    I shall stop now with my pointless ramblings of pointlessness, and just leave it that I love this, and I really want to know what happened between them if you did not catch on, so if you do not fully complete this story so that I can find out, I will not be pleased.
    June 24th, 2011 at 04:03am
  • I think I clicked on the chapter but didn't finish reading and I completely forgot about it! I loved the flash back though, I really like Noah. I love the name Noah as well, haha. I like the comparison descriptions, on how she had grown up but not exactly grew up but more grew into her looks.
    June 21st, 2011 at 10:08pm
  • I love the first chapter and the descriptions of how small the town is.
    The line that I especially liked was "the population staggering behind the number of cows."
    It really gives an idea of how tiny Woodbury is. Not to mention that cows are always nice :D
    You have a really captivating style of writing, and I can't wait to come back and read more!
    June 16th, 2011 at 02:32am