You're Not the Only One? - Comments

  • Is this going to be continued? If so, I hope you update again soon. The plot follows the original story line, with your new characters thrown in, with an almost natural twist. If you don't update, I thank you for putting this story out for our enjoyment, and hope you continue writing.
    February 26th, 2013 at 11:03am
  • I've never read an Avatar fan-fic before but I have to say, this is really good. You're doing a great job with it, it's really well written. I absolutely love it
    September 22nd, 2011 at 02:04am
  • Of course I clicked, because I fully endorse story whoring.

    I love how you have a genetic table worked up in the summary. That's one of the most original things I've seen in a summary so far. :3

    Wow. That sounds really stupid, but really. Just wow.
    The entire portion of description at the beginning of chapter one was beautiful. I was seeing it all there inside my head.

    Your dialogue definitely doesn't get old or stale at all. :3
    I always notice that after description, because I have a hard time keeping up interesting dialogue. But this held my attention really well. I enjoyed it.

    I can tell all throughout this entire chapter that alot of time went in to this. And you've obviously researched and gone beyond just the things that the show touches on.
    And your creativity and freshness of ideas is just wonderful. :D

    I've only read the first chapter, but I'm definitely subscribing and coming back to read the rest.
    September 21st, 2011 at 09:10pm
  • I'm not a fan of the layout entirely. I do like that the words are big and easy to read. The chapters are long which can be a good thing but I felt myself getting tired of reading it. Not that the plot line and story descriptions are bad, I just didn't feel too interested in it.

    The first chapter was a little confusing for me. There is a lack of comma's and such that may have been why I was disheartened to read the rest of it. I did enjoy the details and the dialogue. I could picture most everything that was happening. I got lost in the second chapter when Aang was on the ship and then Sokka's feet were iced to the boat. It may just be because I'm tired though.

    I used to watch the series on T.V. but I haven't for a while. I really liked the YouTube video. It was really cool.
    September 20th, 2011 at 10:17pm
  • Layout I like it. It ties into the Avatar theme well but doesn't overwhelm the readers.
    Overall I only read the first chapter so far. My thoughts on this story is that it seems to be unique. I'm not usual one to read anything that follows the anime, show, book, ect. too closely. You seem to have the story depicted well with your own plot. I would probably like to see more description and details towards the end rather than just dialogue. Anyways, well done. I'm sure I'll read this over soon. :)
    September 19th, 2011 at 09:58pm
  • Yay!!!! You finally updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!
    September 18th, 2011 at 11:37pm
  • I like no wait love Avatar. :D So seeing a story about it is like YAY. Um just gotta say working 100% on a iPad makes it a bit hard to read this, but your writing is just purely amazing. Yet at times my mind drifted off and I kinda had to bring it back to focus. Yet I'm easy to distract so most likely just me and my mind stage.

    I hope you continue this! :D
    September 17th, 2011 at 02:26am
  • yay!!!! uv updated again!!!!!!!
    September 17th, 2011 at 01:54am
  • Yay next chapter is up. Sorry I kept you guys waiting but life sometimes gets in the way of things.
    September 16th, 2011 at 11:56pm
  • awesome!! luv it!
    July 19th, 2011 at 04:36am
  • So I must say that I am not an Avatar fan by any means. However, I adored your story! You put so much detail into every chapter that I am completely blown away. It made me appreciate it this so much more! You captured me in the beginning when you were describing your links and the sacrifice that they would have to make! Your writing just drew me in, and I love it when an author can do that, because you have made me like something that I otherwise wouldn't like :) I hope this makes sense. It's late here, and I just got out of work! But I wanted to get this in before bed :) Keep up the amazing work! You have just drawn me in :)
    June 29th, 2011 at 06:00am
  • :o
    Sokka saw her nude? XD
    Lmao xD Yeah that's embarrassing for the both of them aha.
    I thought it was a bit sweet though that Sokka tried to help Jewel even though it was a complete fail lol
    Buut the bear got away safely c:
    So that great xD
    Great chapter, I can't wait for more <3
    June 7th, 2011 at 03:13am
  • “I'm just a simple guy with simple needs.”
    Aang was talking at this part, right? I guess so :/
    Or maybe it was Sokka xD

    J You’ll always have a home with me,”
    At first, I thought the J was a typo but I realized that's Jewel's nickname xD
    Comma right after J (:

    "I wanna eat you!” Sokka called before they both ran out of ear shot.

    Lmao silly Sokka :P
    June 7th, 2011 at 03:08am
  • "Sleep now... temple later...” Sokka groaned. He must have been closer to my sleeping bag than I thought because his voice seemed too loud.

    “Sokka! Wake up! There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!”

    Lmao my favorite line out of the whole chapter.
    Still missing a few commas but that's alright (:
    Sure you aren't nitpicky, Katara.
    Suure >.>
    Lol, the way you described Jewel when she woke up was priceless xD
    Loved the chapter <3
    June 7th, 2011 at 03:03am
  • “Yeah I don’t think me blaming a little kid would have helped my case. Let alone blame the fire nation princess.”

    "Good point."

    I would've totally blamed her. Just sayin'.
    Ok, my memory's getting worse so I don't remember Azula. I think she was in the series, yes? Yes. Since I don't remember her, I love how you described her and made me remember her personality. If she wasn't in the series, I'm an idiot.
    June 7th, 2011 at 02:59am
  • “You will stay after school Is that clear Jewel?”
    Missing the period after 'school'

    Ok, Amber is a bitch. No, they're all bitches. I hate when people bully others without taking into count that they're either damaging their self esteem or making them want to hurt themselves. This chapter hits a personal note to me since I was bullied a lot too.
    Great chapter though (: <33
    June 7th, 2011 at 02:45am
  • How did you do that with the water it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen!” Katara exclaimed looking at Aang.

    There should be a '?' after water. (:
    Ooh Jewel can do that? Awesome :D
    I'm kinda curious on how she got banished which is why I'm reading the next chapter.
    Ooor I completely missed the reason why in the earlier chapters cuz I'm a complete idiot.
    Maybe I'll find out later on xD

    ” Me Katara and Sokka all exchanged what the heck looks as Appa continued flying through the dusk painted clouds.

    Should be Katara, Sokka and I.
    Great chapter :) <3
    June 7th, 2011 at 02:39am
  • Wanna know what sucks? NONONONO NOT YOUR WRITING. NOT ONE BIT.
    The fact I forgot most of the characters names xD
    I think I remember Katara, Sokka and Aang from memory and definitely Zuko xD
    OMFG Apoa is adorable :D <3
    “You left me,” I whispered at Zuko my body lying limp. “You left,” I felt the warmth of my tears before blackness clouded my mind. Zuko looked up furious and terrified as Aang swirled a water tornado around him and released it sending everyone but Jewel over board.
    A bit confusing when you switched povs but I still got it x]
    June 7th, 2011 at 02:30am
  • I think the layout is simple and easy to read which is definitely a plus (:
    Zukey? XD LOL nice nickname for Zuko.
    I admit, I haven't caught up with the avatar series and I regret it ;-; I used to love watching it before.
    I definitely see potential in this (: Though the lack of commas sort of disrupts the flow :\
    Update soon (: <3
    June 7th, 2011 at 02:16am
  • “Guys are so lucky they don’t have to do anything to get ready they just put on some fresh clothes and go,” I commented.

    “I know right? We have to do all kinds of stuff. Brush our hair wash our face put away everything,” Katara agreed.

    I agree 100% with them. Guys are just lucky. ^_^

    I remember seeing this episode of Aang visiting the temple. So, I kinda imagined the scene in my head while reading this. Somehow, your description seems a bit off. But, I'm just being picky.
    June 6th, 2011 at 08:27pm