The Inbetween - Comments

  • psearah

    psearah (100)

    United States
    This story gave me so many feels, it's absolutely ridiculous.
    August 5th, 2013 at 03:49am
  • Aightball

    Aightball (100)

    United States
    Wow...I did not expect that ending. I'm glad he's got his family, though and I hope he continues to have Faith. I just want to know what happened, you know? Were Leana and Hope just an illusion? Did something happen during the birth? How did they both end up there with him? But at the same time, I'm just glad he's got his family.
    December 5th, 2011 at 09:58pm
  • PaperLanterns1

    PaperLanterns1 (100)

    United States
    Fiction* makes you cry.
    August 7th, 2011 at 02:51am
  • PaperLanterns1

    PaperLanterns1 (100)

    United States
    Update Please :) Reading this and listening to Ficti
    August 7th, 2011 at 02:50am
  • cindycannibal

    cindycannibal (100)

    United States
    Love the new update more please
    August 5th, 2011 at 05:25am
  • cindycannibal

    cindycannibal (100)

    United States
    Love the new update more please
    July 27th, 2011 at 06:56am
  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    So I forgot to comment on this. Facepalm I'm sorry for taking so long to get to it, and it's disappointing to see that you don't have more readers. You definitely deserve them, because this story is absolutely incredible and every chapter evokes such emotion from me that it really makes me stop and think.

    I love the idea of him looking after the baby until it's born. It's just... I don't know how you came up with that, but it's wonderful. It's a beautiful idea, and probably just what's going to save Jimmy from going crazy and falling apart. Though it's going to be hard for him when the baby is eventually born or if he loses it by any chance, I'm hoping that when it's brought to life it will somehow remember its father. And maybe then Jimmy will be able to let go and leave The Inbetween in peace.

    This is such an incredible story, and I could really see it sitting on shelves one day. Keep up the brilliant work, and I'll be looking forward to the amazing things that you come up with in the future. ^_^
    July 6th, 2011 at 10:41am
  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    Once again, this was a beautiful chapter, but also very sad. I'm kind of pleased that he has a way to be with Faith again, but I'm unsure of whether he's even emotionally ready for that or even ready to make the steps to find faith. The whole part about Leana blaming him with really haunting, and I sort of felt how it must have been for him to watch down on her while she's going through such a hard time. In a way, I think watching and not being able to reach someone is worse than never seeing them again, and Jimmy's finding that out.

    Gabriel was a nice addition, and I see that you did your research. ^_^ It's ironic, because while he preaches to Jimmy that he must find faith, he's also giving him faith, in a way. And maybe that's going to be enough for him to find the whole emotion and bring her back. I don't know how he's going to go about it, but whatever you write I know will be beautiful.

    I like how you're bringing about the change in the story, and deepening the plot line without bringing Faith back just to make it easier. It shows how much thought you put into your writing, and how professional you want it to be.

    Wonderful update! I'll wait dutifully for more. XD
    June 10th, 2011 at 02:19pm
  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    Honestly... I'm so confused as to what I should be feeling right now. I'm not sure whether the twist at the end was heart-breaking or whether it should be a happy thing, and I just don't know what to think about it. In a way, I'm kind of sad. Leana doesn't deserve that. Jimmy doesn't deserve that. Because if this baby is born, he'll be feeling what Faith was feeling. He'll have that knowledge that there is a part of him down on earth, a part of him that he is destined to love indefinitely, and all he can do is to stay up there and watch. It's horrible... I feel for him so much. Not only has he lost Leana, life and Faith, but now he's lost a baby too. In a sick way I'm almost hoping that the baby isn't born, but I know he'll be heartbroken anyway.

    The stuff at the start I can relate to, in a way. Feeling at an absolute low with no one there to help you, and wanting to leave life but knowing that you can't. My experience isn't exactly the same, but I can feel the emotions. Wanting to escape but knowing that you can't. It's like being trapped, and I can just feel Jimmy's pain. I can't imagine being in a place where escape is impossible. And being alone... that would be a hundred times worse.

    This chapter was amazing, once again. I'm falling more and more in love with the characters and the plot line; you are an amazing writer. You leave me on edge and craving for more, which is something that not a lot of stories on here can do. This was absolutely incredible. <3
    May 29th, 2011 at 09:18am
  • Cassx

    Cassx (100)

    I've been reading all your stories the past few days.
    I have to say I've been incredibley impressed. You're an amazing writer.
    However, when I read the first few paragraphs of the first chapter of this story, I cried.
    Words can't begin to explain how amazing this story is.
    I sat for nearly an hour, thinking about how Jimmy could be looking down now, and how much he actually did for this world without realising it.
    After reading the rest of the chapters, I came to the conclusion Jimmy would be PROUD of this story and the way you portray him. He was an amazing man, and I like to think he's doing amazing things still now.
    I was in an accident the week before he passed away. I had extensive injuries to the point they put me into an induced coma. I woke myself on December 29th. A day too late is all I ever think.
    I hope this story makes everyone realize just how much of an amazing person James Sullivan was and will continue to be in all our hearts.
    Thankyou for this amazing story.
    May 24th, 2011 at 01:41pm
  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    Twitch YOU UPDATED! Crazy And you're using my banner in the layout! Arms Arms

    I grinned so hard when I saw that this was updated. This is absolutely one of my favourite stories on here and I was so excited when I saw the new chapter. And it really didn't disappoint. ^_^ In fact, I loved it very much. In previous chapters you had allowed me to believe that the reason Faith was leaving was because of her lack of participation and because she was so miserable, but I would've never guessed that they only had a certain amount of time there. If I was Jimmy I would have been hurt and angered by her lack of honesty, but I'm not Jimmy and for that his reaction worked perfectly. Because that's who he is; he's loving and he puts others before himself.

    Their kiss came at the perfect time. It was less of a romantic, physical gesture and more of a goodbye that put everything into words. I liked that. It was beautiful.

    I'm unsure of what will happen now that she's gone. I have a feeling that it will affect Jimmy more strongly than leaving the world, because Faith was his only means of connection and the reason he knew what it meant to be dead. I'll selfishly admit that I don't want another person to come into The Inbetween, but then again, I don't want Jimmy to be alone. Cute

    You're a beautiful writer and I really can't wait for more. It made me really happy to see my banner in the layout, too. XD
    May 20th, 2011 at 06:51am
  • Eat the Rude.

    Eat the Rude. (100)

    Ok, I am a very, very slow reader I'm up to the third chapter, >.< but I think i'm in love with this story! You are so damn creative, its unbelievable, I love it. I love you, keep writing!
    April 30th, 2011 at 12:09pm
  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    I think it was about time that Faith broke down, to be honest. And you did it realistically and portrayed the emotions perfectly, without giving too much away. I think that it's really clever that you never place yourself in the eyes of the person when they're completely breaking down; instead you place the view in the eyes of the other person and it really works to say a lot about their relationship. It shows how perceptive they are of each other, and I've noticed that all the while they never pay attention to their own needs and despair when the other's down. It just shows how selfless they both are, and how perfect they are for each other. (:

    It was written beautifully -- once again. Which shouldn't be a surprise by now, but it still blows me away. You hide tiny little snippets of sentences that make me stop and stare, and I feel as though I have to write them down because I know that they'll be important to the storyline. The bit about not being able to save someone who's already dead made a lot of sense to me, but in a way it didn't at the same time. I think that Faith needs to be saved, and that Jimmy's the one to do it. Maybe their body can't be saved because it's techinically dead, but their soul is alive and that's what is in pain. So I think that they'll be able to save each other. ^_^ Or at least, I hope they will.

    I'm in love with this story. Every time I see an update in my inbox I smile because I know that you'll pull through. You seem to have so many ideas and not a single chapter you've written so far seems half-assed, which just proves how much effort and how much of yourself you put into everything you write. This is amazing, and so are you for writing it, Kayla. XD
    April 22nd, 2011 at 12:22pm
  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    I think that it may have been because I've had an emotional day today, but I cried in that chapter. You put everything that lives in each person's hearts perfectly into words, Kayla... you know their fears and their hopes and you put it into beautiful writing. That bit at the start about being forgotten is exactly what I fear. And it's something that no one wants to hear and that a lot of people deny so much that they think it's true, but you wrote the harsh reality of the fact that they will move on. And maybe in death they will be the ones not wanting you to move on, but you will. You see it all of the time.

    Faith is such an intellectual character. She's so deep and expressive, and it didn't shock me that she was a mother. The way she cares about the world is the way someone who's experienced a light would have, and maybe that's why she didn't want to tell Jimmy that he's be forgotten. It makes me so sad, because Faith will have less of a chance of being remembered because he was so young when she died. That's what's making me cry.

    I'm glad that they saved him. I couldn't imagine losing someone that special, which is why this story plays with my emotions a lot. In a way I think that it's good for me to read though, because it shows me what an impact death has on others. This whole thing is so wonderfully written... I can't even describe it. ^_^
    April 17th, 2011 at 09:53am
  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    One comment... really? This story is incredible and I honestly think that you deserve hundreds. I know that it's not about the feedback, but still, this story needs to be recognised. tehe

    I loved this chapter a lot. I was slightly worried at the start that you would allow Jimmy to forget about his place on Earth too easily and instead focus on his job in The Inbetween, so I'm really glad that you're being realistic and giving him time to mourn. It really breaks my heart every time I read about Leanna, because I can just imagine what it would have been like for her in real life. You portray all of the emotions in a hauntingly beautiful way, and every word I read of this just shoots through me. This is without a doubt your best work -- that I've read anyway. I can tell that you've put so much effort into it, and it's become one of my favourite stories to read on here.

    Keep up the wonderful work, Kayla! I'm looking forward to next Wednesday. ^_^
    April 10th, 2011 at 12:32pm
  • Crash Thrusts.

    Crash Thrusts. (100)

    United States
    I loved that chapter. It was sad how Leanna was acting over his death. I know what it's like. <3
    April 1st, 2011 at 12:21am
  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    This chapter was probably my favourite, even though it had close to no dialogue. In fact, that's what made it better, because Jimmy's internal dialogue is so complex and sentimental that it just gives me insight into why he was chosen to be paired with Faith, and who he is as a person. I know that I've said this before, but this story is the way that I want to imagine Jimmy was like, even though I never knew him. And I think it would be him, and that he would be proud of the way that you're portraying him. You're portraying him as such a strong, heart-felt soul and it brings tears to my eyes when I read about how much he cares. It's truly beautiful, Kayla. ^_^

    I think another thing that I liked about this chapter was that for the first time, he got to see who Faith really was, as the person seperate to his mentor. I've always wondered when that would come in, and I think you placed in in the perfect spot. Faith's life and emotions are something that I've always been curious about, and I think that Jimmy is too. I want to see why she's his soulmate, and why she was chosen to be her companion. I could feel Jimmy's pain when she hurt, and I've got a feeling that the person she left behind on Earth will be the reason that she's so reliant on Jimmy.

    The part about Leanna made me cry. It was so emotional... I can't even imagine what it would feel like to lose someone that special to me. I almost want her to know that he's there, just so that she can move on. I wonder if you'll enable her to do that. :3

    Once again, this was beautifully written. Every word was placed perfectly and the emotions were just shattering. I love this story so much, and you're amazing just for coming up with this idea and writing it. XD
    March 31st, 2011 at 10:50am
  • Psycho Lunatic

    Psycho Lunatic (115)

    United Kingdom
    Kayla this is amazing, I'd like to think in a way this really happens and that Jimmy is watching down on us all. He should be proud of this, it does him justice and I think it is helping us. I found these last two chapters a lot easier to read than the first after we spoke this morning.
    March 30th, 2011 at 04:27pm
  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    This chapter was incredible, Kayla. ^_^ I love reading every word about it, because it's so real that it's as though I'm looking at the world through his eyes. And your descriptions make the world he sees very beautiful, something I'm very jealous of. tehe

    Your wording about love and about there being two types of it was very clever, and almost poetic in a way. It makes sense that his heart wants Leana but his soul calls out to Faith. It's the age-old question which asks where love really comes from, which is something that I've wondered a lot about too. I'm interested to see what he goes with, and which love is stronger. :3

    I don't think that I've mentioned this, but I find it extremely clever that you've given her the name Faith. Because in a way... she's becoming his faith for not only life but for death as well, and she's teaching him to have faith in humanity and in love. I feel like every part of this story has been so well thought-out, and I can tell that every second of it will be beautiful.

    I'm looking forward to next Wednesday already. XD
    March 25th, 2011 at 07:02am
  • TwistedScars

    TwistedScars (100)

    United States
    amazing!!! update soon!!!!
    March 24th, 2011 at 02:29am