The Armed Man - Comments

  • Footnote

    Footnote (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey there. I'm Katie and I'll be commenting on your story today.


    Anyway, I'm just reading the first chapter at the moment. And, it struck me half way through, that I want more. For instance, the first line. I will always remember that they killed Jude on a Monday. Why did Benedict remember that? I'm dying to know. Maybe it says it in the next chapter, I haven't read yet. I think though, that the first chapter was amazing, really hooked me in. I've always wanted to read something with a bit of..Well, morbidity in the first chapter. It looks amazing, and give me a moment while I read on.

    Aha! The length and body I've been looking for has been found in chapter two. So, my opinion is changed. Finding the first chapter to be that length actually really fits. It's sewn together really well. And, well, not everyone wants a long chapter to read on the first go. It can be quite over whelming. It's brilliant, well written, and stunning. I'll subscribe and look forward for some updates in the future.
    March 29th, 2011 at 07:42pm
  • Bethnyy

    Bethnyy (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    this is beautifully written x
    March 29th, 2011 at 07:33pm