Walking By - Comments

  • fascination.

    fascination. (100)

    United States
    another first comment, woo! virginity taken here too ;)
    I like how the backgorund is a sun set,
    it just gives a happy, summer feel to everything
    and again, i just love your banners so much <3
    also, really like the chapter title, it's good
    the girl is his girlfirend I"m guessing
    or maybe not, just a close friend, that he has feelings for
    I love seeing James adorable sweet side coming out :)
    okay, I"m guessing this is a James Maslow fan fic,
    not his character. because they are talking about how they were in high school,
    and room mates and such. either way is good. I like both kinds :)
    "It hung in the air like static electricity, causing sparks to fly with every touch."
    ^ I really liked that line, especially the sparks fly thing
    okay, just from what I've read so far, they would make an awesome couple,
    if they aren't already that is. I'm kind of confused on what their relationship is exactlly
    well they clearly care deeply for each other, even if they didn't say it directly,
    you would still be able to tell the relationship they have
    you are so good at showing instead of telling, which I'm terrible at
    Very jealous of that, no doubt at all. I need help with that aspect :/
    aww, he said he loved her :) glad those words finally came out!
    and of course she knew that, it's very obvious :)
    though I'm disappointed the end wasn't "I love you too" instead of "I know"
    because it doesn't show a clear feeling of Autum's feelings
    i feel like there should be anothe chapter this way, you know?
    anyway, I very much loved this, a lot! amazing job <3!
    As I said before, it's great to see James' vulnerable side,
    gosh just loved this. would subscribe if i could!
    January 23rd, 2011 at 03:04am