Light - Comments

  • Manbear-n'-Me!

    Manbear-n'-Me! (130)

    United States
    Ah...first to comment!

    I'm going to start off from the top. Truthfully, the layout is not my favorite as a reader. The combination of the bright blue color and the text color hurts my eyes a bit, and is a bit distracting to the story. And the summary was a bit scattered, from the little scientific definition to the picture links (one of them doesn't work, by the way) and to the vague blurb of what this story was about. I really didn't get much sense of what this story was going to hold. Am I reading a tragedy of loss or heartbreak? Am I reading a self-discovery adventure?

    So onto the chapter. I must say, things did get much better with the writing. I did get a little bit of history on the character, but she's still a mystery. But this was good. It was enough to stir my interest without just telling me everything and spoiling the story.

    After the first chapter though I still have no idea what direction this story is heading. That's not a bad thing at all; I kinda like the unpredictable, surprise around the corner type stories. I think you do that well in your writing, keeping the information limited but let out enough to bait the readers. I really am intrigued.
    Another thing to commend is the lack of spelling errors. At least I didn't catch any; it made the reading smoother to read.

    As I red through the chapters, I started to really like the almost laid back freedom of the situation the characters are in. I almost envy them. I wish I could just pack a few of my things and go anywhere the road takes me. I think it would be thrilling.
    One more note...when I got to the third chapter, I was confused. It took me a few rows to realize this was now in a different POV. Maybe just make a note up top of the chapter that says something like ~Jones' POV~ or something. Otherwise, I liked the chapter.

    With the reading done I can definitely say that the layout doesn't do your story justice. You write so beautifully, the layout should compliment the story!

    Curious to see where this story is headed! =D
    June 9th, 2012 at 06:31pm