The Boy with the Protest Sign - Comments

  • Very brilliant, very beautiful.

    I did not know this was a fan fiction, as I was distracted by the gorgeous simplicity of the title.

    I do not usually read fan fiction, but I can honestly say, as a Christian, that this is a lovely change from the usual "Christians hate homosexuals" cliche.

    I loved this, very much.

    Thanks for making me smile.
    January 21st, 2011 at 08:46pm
  • One of the most beautifully written pieces I've read in a very long time. I loved how you handled it realistically, not going in the direction of either extreme but settling for what was real. I actually had tears in my eyes a few times, it was just such a moving piece.

    I love the banner, and how you used both anti-gay signs and support signs. It worked really well.

    And then, unbelievably, he began to quote Scripture - I love how you work religion into it as well. I'd love to see more fics deal with sexuality and religion together, and I think you handled this perfectly. And I agree with the sentiments, despite being Agnostic, I think if there is a God, he'll love everyone no matter what their sexuality.

    "Are you scared at all?" Ryan asked. "Of being gay?" - This was one of many lines that stood out to me, Brendon's reply as well. It just seemed so honest, and I don't think I've ever heard somebody ask that before, but it seemed like a reasonable thing to ask, in a way.

    I also loved how you added in the waitress being totally accepting, it was such a nice contrast to the protest at the beginning and added almost a sense of hope and optomism to the story, it was so nice to read and once again, very real. I also loved it when Ryan compared the night out to a girl getting her period, it made me smile and I could just imagine him saying that. Perfection.

    Anyway, I could ramble on forever about how I loved it, but I'd just be quoting pretty much every second line and telling you the wording has left me, yet again, in awe. It's a beautiful story, original and inspiring, just so very Dru :)

    I love it.
    January 21st, 2011 at 08:46pm
  • Comment swap

    I honestly don't know of one person on Mibba who doesn't admire your writing, and this story is such a perfect example of why.

    First of all, the layout is great. The banner with the protest signs works really well, and the rainbows in those look fantastic against the simplicity of the rest of the layout.

    I really like how you treat the religious views with respect. Although you, I, and many others believe otherwise, you don't make fun of them or put them down or degrade them or anything like that. You offer their ideas with respect and even though you then contradict these, you do so with courtesy and control.

    What I think I love most about your writing is that nothing seems awkward or forced. Everything seems to flow so naturally and easily together from one thing to the next, even if you're jumping between events or into dream sequences or flashbacks. You sometimes even insert these little snippiets of the past into the present day of your story, which is something I don't think I have ever seen before, yet it works so well. In particular, the one I thought of was,
    "Over pizza, to Ryan's disbelief, Brendon told him how his parents were extremely religious but they came to believe homosexuality wasn't a sin. ('There's no way,' Brendon overheard his father say to his mother one night, 'that a loving God wouldn't want him to be happy. I can't believe in that.')"
    Just that small snippet says so much about Brendon, Ryan and Brendon's family, and the way it fits amongst everything else that's happening at the present is just fantastic.

    Your imagery is also lovely. Your noun phrases, in particular, are gorgeous. I particularly loved the mention of the "the two painted lips formed a broad, genuine smile." Although they are literally, the word "painted" also makes me think of art and beauty and perfection, and it makes the image all the more lovely to imagine.

    It's a brilliant, beautiful story, Dru.
    January 21st, 2011 at 08:25pm
  • I love this! It's so beautifully written.

    I love how awkwardly shy Ryan is when talking to Brendan for the first time, and how the two seem to bond really quickly. And I like how you've portrayed Brendan and Ryan as sort of opposites - Brendan's completely sure of who he is, and very confident, while Ryan is unsure and shy, and seems slightly lost. I also like how you haven't portrayed any of the characters as the sterotypical flamboyant gay person.

    This is definately one of my favourites of yours.
    January 21st, 2011 at 06:15pm
  • I was very excited to see this one, and I think it's because it concerns an issue that interest me.

    Oh, this is beautiful.

    I have such trouble not becoming frustrated with people who so willfully display ignorance and hate, who (it seems) have no concept of what Christ's message actually was/is. So these people, even though there's not a great deal of detail about who they are, and/or what they're like, still arouse that incredulity in me.

    Brendon. His confidence, surety of who he is, and calmness make me smile.

    I love that Brendon uses that scripture. That's so perfect, and I'm kind of all blown-away happy because I haven't heard of someone using it in this situation before, but it so fits.

    Ryan was not one of them.

    Oh, Ryan. And oh, I can empathize with the way he feels. Oh, god. Brendon is just... I heart him.

    It's really difficult to deal with the reality that their is such hatred toward other people in this world, and that flashback scene with Brendon is painful.

    Ryan blushed at his own thoughts even though he knew he was the only one who could hear them.

    Brendon's parents make me smile. I like them very much.

    I really like that Ryan has a positive experience with being out, even if it (their anniversary) isn't actually a true one. If that makes sense. It did when I thought it.

    HOW IS BRENDON SO AMAZING? He tweaked Ryan's nose! And is teasing him!

    a hug which had mainly been an excuse to grab the boy's ass

    I love all the FBR people showing up. It's so fun. And Code Chanel is a clever stage name.

    Brendon is really awesome, and I like how genuine he is with helping Ryan, and wanting to be there for him.

    "Like when a girl gets her first period?"

    Ryan was an awkward dancer, even with girls, even during slow songs, even if the room had been completely empty.
    That last bit, especially, amuses me.

    feeling as safe as a lullaby.

    I love Brendon's voice--what he says, and how he says it. And that ending. That ending is so perfect.
    January 21st, 2011 at 06:34am
  • brown hair and brown yes,: brown eyes?
    I asked if you were read to go.: ready to go?

    Anyways, I thought this was beautiful. The style was far more realistic and simplistic than a lot of your work, and I think it worked wonderfully for this piece. The magic is there, but it's in the characters and the words that they say, rather than flamboyant metaphors. I think it's very well-executed.

    I thought the characters were well grounded, and rounded. It's easy to make characters like Brendon incredibly militant, and bitter, or make Ryan's character extremely weak and pitiful, but you were able to give them both legs, and vulnerabilities and strength. You straddled the line and it worked fantastically.

    The love that blossoms between Ryan and Brendon is very natural, and very shy, in a wonderful way. It moves fast, as most young love does, but we don't get the feeling that Ryan is being stupid or hasty. We just get the fact that he's young, and gay, and (pardon the pun) on his first night out on the town. It's a reckless love, but we feel that it's a love that won't hurt.

    Brendon doesn't seem to us to be a user or overly arrogant because he's "queer and here". He comes off as very confident, after years of self-conciousness and abuse. It's played off fabulously.

    Anywho, I loved it. Definitely worth staying up 20 minutes past bedtime. Arms
    January 21st, 2011 at 06:13am
  • New story. Well, new/old story. I wrote this in June.
    Brendon is at a protest and Ryan follows him.
    I'm pretty proud of this piece.

    Comments are love<333

    January 21st, 2011 at 05:50am