All or Nothing - Comments

  • hmc09

    hmc09 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I really want to read this because of all the good feedback you've got but I honestly can't read it because of the font even when I made the font large on internet explorer:/ Is there any chance you could change the font? I think if you did you could get even more views.
    September 13th, 2011 at 10:14pm
  • Tilers Haner

    Tilers Haner (100)

    United Kingdom
    I love your style of writing and I loved the story line.
    If you do decided to add to this, let me know. I don't usually read Zacky stories, but this one I like :)
    February 6th, 2011 at 02:28pm
  • jessica05lynn

    jessica05lynn (100)

    United States
    I myself have no lengthy comment to leave, but I will say that I quite enjoyed the story. It was realistic and your character actually had some grit to her as apposed to most of what is out there in the fanfiction world!

    You did a really good job =)
    January 23rd, 2011 at 07:17am
  • hellheartless

    hellheartless (100)

    United States
    I have to say, you've out done yourself, Scratch. It was wonderful. Honestly, it was. I hate leaving a comment after Seven does, she always takes everything I was going to say. lol. It's quite annoying, Sev. lol.

    Any who, the sexy time was awesome, I don't know what you were worried about. Honestly. And Seven's right having Jinx as a friend adds pressure. But she's also right, I think you captured the impulsiveness perfectly. Honestly. I liked it because it was passionate, and at the same time, loving, if you will. While it was raw, it still had a touch of caring, if that makes sense. I don't know, just ignore me. It's what I do. XP

    But very very good.
    January 23rd, 2011 at 05:12am
  • Seven.

    Seven. (100)

    United States
    I related to this so much. Whenever I paint or whatever, I turn everything off. Phone unplugged. It’s just me and the piece, nothing else and I know how frustrating that is for everyone else. It’s even worse than just falling into your own thoughts. The world is gone and it’s just you and the paint and no one really understands that.

    I think that happens to every artist. The doubt, not the sex. Lol. I do it with every piece I work on. No matter how good it actually is, I end up thinking that it is the worst piece of shit ever painted or drawn and just put it away for a few months until I can focus on it without that doubt. Like start fresh in a way. Luckily, I don’t have deadlines and due dates otherwise, nothing would get done except me catching everything on fire. I do it with makeup, too. I secretly hate it when I see other artist saying that their new piece is the best they’ve ever done and they usually say it with every piece. I just want to violently flip them off. ‘You are your own worst critic’ but fuck me runnin’…

    And I understand taking other’s criticism personally. The child bit was more than right. You put your soul into it and then someone comes along and says it isn’t good enough. It’s like, well, that’s my soul so thank you for that, ya know?

    I love how he was just kind of passive about everything. Like it didn’t really bother him that she was blowing him off to go work and that when he did get there, she was kind of mean towards him. And your smexy time was just fine. I get that way, too. And we have Jinx as our friend so there’s that added pressure. Lol. But it was good. It was raw just like it should be. Impulsive.

    All in all, very well done. I now want to bump the uglies with someone in an art studio. XD
    January 22nd, 2011 at 02:46pm