Kick Off Your Stilettos - Comments

  • MissSarcastic

    MissSarcastic (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Firstly, can't believe there are exactly zero comments on this story. Was expecting to be massively jealous at the pages and pages of 'this is one amazing story' 'best fan fic i've read in a really long time!'
    secondly, after reading chapter 1, 2, 3 and the beginning of 4 [had to stop there because I was going out to eat Singapore Noodles at Hong Kong City] I decided that after watching Sherlock Holmes [the new one - really quite good] I would replace my usual bedtime story [whichever book i'm currently reading, The Secret Lives of Dresses being the most recent] with this amazing piece of writing. This is something I rarely do so you should feel honoured I was bothered to turn the computer back on for this. I'm not being funny, but I love it. Can you put the 5th chapter on ASAP because I as you know, it's not often I will openly admit that I love something and there you go I just did. So if that's not a compliment to your writing, then fuck knows what will please you and frankly we're no longer friends.
    This is one heck of a story.
    I first began to read it at Martha's one day, and have only just realised how much I like it.
    Is it perverse that I wanted him to rape her?
    Can you please write a one-shot in which he does ;)
    Also, my mother says your writing is extremely good. I generally don't listen to my mother [and today she poured the water she was going to pour onto the plants, onto my back instead. I'm not really sure why she did that, thinking about it I shall call childline] but I think in this case she is quite right.
    Post some more.
    Chop Chop.
    February 6th, 2011 at 01:53am