Wasted Time On You - Comments

  • Okay, so this is my second time writing this comment as Mibba decided to log me out as I posted it... But it's okay, because the story was amazing enough to inspire me to write a nice comment, so I don't have to think too hard.
    I loved the characters. You made them so relatable, which is hard because one would never know how it feels to be dying without being there. But you made it believable, and I loved that. How relatable they were was a factor that I both loved and hated: loved, because it made the story that much more interesting; hated because it made it that little bit more heartbreaking.
    And a heartbreaking tale this was. I swear to god, my heart may have broke into seperated chunks when I read that letter. The fact that it had been seven years was what got to me the most. Because she loved him, and it was just so unfair, haha.
    The summary even got to me before I'd read it: I hate to be the one to break it to you, but in the real world, there are no fairy tale endings, and any ending ends up hurting you. Pretty much describes every feeling I have towards love, and it's a nice change to read something like this rather than a sappy happy love story (although I love those too, haha).
    I also loved how you made the song relate to their past rather than their present. It gave it a more original edge and it was just lovely to read. I listened to the song whilst reading this and it gave it that little more kick that practically edged me towards tears.
    Overall, I loved this. Thank you so much for entering :D ♥
    February 25th, 2011 at 04:27pm