Losing Lori - Comments

  • idiotheque.

    idiotheque. (100)

    United States
    I've actually never listened to BMTH, and I only know Oli through pictures so I won't be much help in the whole characterization aspect, but I can tell you that you've made him rely well-rounded and complete, which is all I really look for in a character. He's got confidence, I can see that but you've also got his desperation in there, which is amazing because the prologue is pretty short. I think it was a really good introduction, it made me want to know what happened to thier relationship and just to know more about Lori because she already seems like a really interesting character. Great job!
    January 29th, 2011 at 01:23am
  • thedarksnowqueen

    thedarksnowqueen (100)

    United States
    Looks like it's gonna be good! (:
    January 29th, 2011 at 01:03am
  • The Walrus

    The Walrus (200)

    United States
    Okay, this is all so very wonderful.

    I'm not a BMTH fan. I don't like Oli that much.

    But you know what? I'll just read this as an OF because I'm loving what you've posted so far. I like how you've written it, I like the layout, and it's awesome.

    Update soon. <3
    January 29th, 2011 at 12:59am
  • jasonsudekis

    jasonsudekis (100)

    Welp, I'm subscribing. The layout, the picture, and especially your writing, it's all so beautiful. You have such a way of sucking people in; mesmerizing.

    Great work.
    January 29th, 2011 at 12:55am
  • pezzie

    pezzie (105)

    United States
    I’m already absolutely in love with this. I swear! I saw when you only posted the layout and story page and it instantly hit me. I simply adore the layout and banner. That’s what originally drawn me into the story. Gah, it’s just so beautiful.

    I really enjoyed the prologue. I’m not going to lie, I’ve never read a Oliver Sykes story and I honestly don’t know that much about him, only that he’s in BMTH and has his own clothing line. But that doesn’t change me idea on the story at all, I still think it’s cool that you’re writing could wheedle me into reading a bandom that I’m not into that much.

    Your writing is flawless. As I read though it, I felt Oliver had like a burning obsession with Lori. Not like a stalker one, but like a longing for his lost love. It’s really sad and I feel for him. It makes me wonder where Lori is and why/when did she leave. Ah! The questions that are swarming in my head!

    I cannot wait for this story to fully take off! I’m subscribing! <3 I love it already.

    Oh, and I feel the need to say that I love the title. I like how both words start with the letter ‘L’. It’s very short alliteration that I’m not sure was intentional, but I think it adds a nice little touch.
    January 29th, 2011 at 12:50am
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    I have no idea who Oliver Sykes is...well, I've heard of him but I don't really know who he is? You know. Anyway, you already know my thoughts on pretty much anything you write. You either are always able to make me fall in love or if it's your intention you're always able to make me cry. And for that you're probably my favorite author on this site. Like legit, miss thang. I like that this is in second person--or first.second person, whatever. I like that the prologue is him talking to her but she's not really there. I'm curious if it'll be written like that throughout the entire story, but I shall see bECUASE I FUCKING SUBSCRIBED.
    January 29th, 2011 at 12:49am
  • WTFMusicPerson

    WTFMusicPerson (210)

    United States
    ok I really like that intro it is just so natural and like it's almost talking to the reader which is a good thing.

    The wooden boarder is a little distracting... ok but I still think it makes up for it because I can feel really connected to the story which I think means it will be good especially since you manged to do that with it being so short. I'm subbing. It's also nice to know that it's finished so I don't have to be like OMFG will she ever update?? Has she given up on it? So thats good to know =]
    January 29th, 2011 at 12:45am
  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    Right from the start, I wasn't attracted by the title.
    But my view on this changed when I read the introduction.
    It was brief and usually I don't think they're conducive to the plot
    of a story but this one was really informative and straightforward.

    I like how he's talking about the traits he notices about her,
    then transitions into this vulnerable state of desire and longing.
    It also makes me wonder about why she left him;
    how their relationship came to an abrupt end.

    Anyway, I don't expect anything but the best from you
    and I'm never disappointed when I read your works. (:
    January 29th, 2011 at 12:40am
  • fascination.

    fascination. (100)

    United States
    first comment, woo <3!
    I love this layout, it's gorgeous
    ohh good old Oli, he's defenitly cute ;)
    this prologue was so cute <3
    and I liked how it was in Oli's P.O.V
    it's just really, really good <3
    you can tell that he had really true feelings for Lori
    I'm sure you will do amazingly fantastic with this <3
    off to an amazing start!
    January 29th, 2011 at 12:36am