Glass Hearts Shattering - Comments

  • harrystyles

    harrystyles (100)

    United States
    December 4th, 2011 at 11:47am
  • franceschi.

    franceschi. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Shite. I think I nearly just cried.
    Okay, so I think we should just get the obvious out of the way: OH HAI FRANCESCHI. Kay, that's done now.
    I loved the start / introduction. Especially when you introduced Josh as a character, I had this big smile all over my face. The boy was painfully awkward, is just so perfect, it sets the story up and makes the importance of the personalities of the characters known, I guess.
    ...not professionally of course, but in her underwear around her room. I also loved this to introduce Kaylee. It, again, sets her character off perfectly. I can just picture her and Josh so well before the story even starts.
    I love the chemistry between the pair, as well. As soon as she dragged him away from in front of everyone I was like, 'Uh oh!' because you could just read all of the signals and that the tension was based purely on the chemisty.
    I don’t think you realized just how much it hurts when I see you around all the time, so fucking happy and perfect and you. I think this was the part that I practically broke down at, because it's just so real and understandable and relatable, especially after getting Josh's point of view for the whole thing.
    The ending rounded everything off perfectly to me. It just worked, and was like a mixture of a sad ending because he didn't get his girl, but a happy ending because he can move on from it in an 'at least he won't be stewing on his misery now' kind of way.
    I love how you worked the song into the story so well. It wasn't too overbearing or anything of the sort, it just worked. And I loved the lyrics you chose for the summary, because they captured both the song and the story well.
    I loved the entry, thank you for entering, and good luck! ♥
    February 13th, 2011 at 10:03pm
  • loadedexcuses

    loadedexcuses (100)

    United States
    Ugh, you already know how perfect I think this is. SO PEOPLE SHOULD FUCKING RECOGNIZE, YO.
    February 5th, 2011 at 12:26am