Life is Beautiful - Comments

  • i really like it! keep writing!
    March 15th, 2011 at 12:26am
  • LOL I think that I like Jason better. He seems like more fun ;) Hahha
    UPDAATE :d
    March 13th, 2011 at 11:57am
  • I. Need. To. Know.
    I HATE it when people do that, but I love it too!

    You're great on descriptions, and I feel like I already know Ross (love him, BTW, I'm sure you know why ;)) and I want to know more about Camille and I love Andrea's character.

    You have a strong style of writing, and despite a few spelling mistakes it was an amazing read, one that I can't wait to read more off. Great job!
    March 11th, 2011 at 04:36am
  • I love this :) Its so different than most stories people write about. Its not science fiction but its not really a mushy mushy love story. Its really good. Keep writing ;)
    March 11th, 2011 at 01:49am
  • So, I only read the first few chapters, but I want you to know, that I love it so far. :) The picture is beautiful and the story in itself is touching. :)
    I'm subscribing so I can read more later, but I really love this! I can't wait until I can read more and be all caught up!
    March 11th, 2011 at 01:27am
  • I love the title of the story, and even though I only read the first chapter, I feel sad for Camille. I wouldn't be able to just sit and wait at a doctors office without thinking about all the "what ifs". She's a brave little girl.
    March 11th, 2011 at 01:20am
  • Chap 2 (Since I've already commented you on one):
    Awww! I feel really bad for her :( And I love the way you wrote's very easy to turn something like that cliche, but you didn't.
    I didn't see any errors, and I really don't have any con/crit; this story is great, keep it up!
    March 11th, 2011 at 01:06am
  • Yaay! Shout out in the authors note! :D
    I'm so excited to see what happeneds next!
    Also, I like Andrea xD Haha, you made her really nice and understanding, which is perfect!
    Drai! <3 Amazing. 'Nuff said.
    Jason is funny! Actually, everyone I know that's named Jason is funny :P
    And Ross. Hmm.. not sure what to think about him..
    March 10th, 2011 at 02:04am
  • I love the detail and imagery in the prologue; it's absolutely beautiful. What I like the most is that this story isn't cliche. From first glance, it does seem like it. I was expecting to read about a girl going to school with a hidden illness as I have read so many times before. Although she is attending school with it, it's good that it isn't a secret and that you don't hide the other kids reactions too it. It makes the situation more realistic. Honestly, how is no one going to not know about a child's suffering? At first their parent(s) may keep quiet but once the pain builds up they're bound to say something and it's going to spread.

    Cruel, very very cruel. It's a shame how someone can be treated so horribly because of something beyond their control. I'm going to assume the transfer was either from the stress of being treated wrong or the need to be closer to a hospital.

    Did you see the blood on her hand?

    That just screams foreshadowing with a hefty dose of suspense. I can only imagine what she must have been feeling, walking into a new room and already getting criticized for a small mistake. The note, I can see that getting spread throughout the disease once the class is over. It also seems that Ross may lose a friend and possibly be shunned himself for associating with Camille as the story goes on.

    Camille is a very strong character, I don't know if I would make it without a single friend in seven years. It's nice that Andrea-Mary wasn't as rude as the others, I only hope that after the news of her tuberculosis get's around that she still is. Jason seems a bit full of himself if you ask me, I'm not sure if I like him. I probably won't like him as the story goes along if he abandons Ross because of Camille but I guess I will have to wait and see.

    I didn't find any grammatical errors, which is nice because I usually find at least one in each story I read. I'm going to subscribed to this, not only is this beautifully written but it's definitely caught my attention. I'm already wondering what's going to happen next.
    March 9th, 2011 at 05:49am
  • Draaii!! <3 Haha I loved this chapter. The ended was great! I love how you played it out.
    Just amazing. AS ALWAYS. :) <3
    March 9th, 2011 at 12:10am
  • So, I'm starting to think that I'm magical. Something told me to check this story (again) and BAM! another awesome update! :]
    Haha Ross's curiosity gets the best of him and gets him in trouble :P
    As usual, your descriptions are amazing and well thought out. (:
    And another thing that makes her so different; she's musically talented :D
    Well, I can't wait to know what happens now that she's noticed he was listening to her!
    Another Great Chapter<3
    Waiting for the next updatee :3
    March 8th, 2011 at 09:23pm
  • ANDREA! <3 Yaay!
    Hahah, can't wait for Drai to come in! xD
    This was great, I'm really liking it! I'm for sure subscribing! <3
    March 7th, 2011 at 04:13am
  • First thing first - I was put off by the big font. There's no reason to make the font so large, it just makes it more difficult to read and is quite obnoxious. It would be more classy and easy if the font was at 100% or maybe even 90%.

    I like your imagery very much, and the way you describe things. But I'm confused as to how she can see children outside when she's inside, laying down.

    This was a great prologue though, a wonderful and effective way to begin a story.
    March 7th, 2011 at 03:42am
  • First glance: Nice layouut! I've never had a big thing for banners, cause I think they take away too much away from the story *shrug* Nice description, I find it very mysterious/alluring.
    Chapter One: WONDERFUL prologue, the fact that you used no names until the end gave it a little spice. Very good. Oh, and i adore the name >.< Camille is my friends name (whom i really LOVE) and Rose is one of the very first character names I've ever used for my story :3 I really like it so far, and no grammar errors or shiz like that.
    Chapter Two:OMG POOR GIRL T^T dammit, if i were in her class I'd hug her all day! *goes HMPH and makes an angry face* I just love the way you told them about how she felt, i could personally connect. That's ALWAYS a good thing that helps your story become famous, the fact that it can connect to your readers. That's why shakespear shiz is still popular, cause we can relate :)
    Chapter Three: *just halfway finished reading half of the first paragraph* HAHA I LOVE YOU ROSS!!! City Chick?? Ohhh, I love guys like him. I don't know why. I just do :D
    Oh shiz, could Ross be a jacka$$??? Hmmm, I'm not sure. I absolutely LOVE that pic by the end by the way.
    Chapter four: Hmmm, the service with a smile girl gets on my nerves O.o I don't know why, i hate go happy lucky people like her, it's like wtf? How the fudge can you be so damn HAPPY??
    Andrea seems like a nice girl, but I gotta feeling she's gonna cause a lil trouble. . . .

    And that is my four in one comment :D Sorry if it's long, it's just how I comment ahha
    March 7th, 2011 at 03:35am
  • Wow I really liked it, the detail you show is simply amazing. I love the way you describe everything and the way you described her. I seen a few grammar mistakes and a few places could have a bit less punctuation but other then that bravo!

    So far I give you an 4/5 rating. :)
    March 6th, 2011 at 09:23pm
  • This was really good. Imagery was perfect and the detail was exquisite. I couldn't tear my eyes away from my computer screen, to tell you the truth. I usually don't read romance, but I do believe I'll be back for more.

    One thing, though. The font size and color hurts my eyes a little bit. :/
    March 6th, 2011 at 08:54pm
  • I mean focused not forced, sorry.
    March 6th, 2011 at 08:15pm
  • Gorgeous layout and banner and I like how big the font is.

    I thought it was very forced and clear which was good. It also had a good sense of imagery and had the right amount of detail. It kept my interest right through, good work!
    March 6th, 2011 at 08:15pm
  • Yesss! You updated! :D Something just told me to check this story today and BAM new update! :D
    And it's really amazing that she finally got a friend after 7 years. I liked the part where she said "Is complementing part of the job or something?" Lol really nice. ;)
    So, keep 'em coming, deary! (:
    Because, you know, updates make the world go 'round! <3
    March 6th, 2011 at 05:30pm
  • Me gusta el cuento mucho! Escribir más!

    Had to say it in spanish :) Seriously though, I love the detail in it, especially in the prologue. But you should put the whispers in quotations. It confused me, and the note. But I still love it :)
    March 6th, 2011 at 01:57am