This State of Mind - Comments

  • The Freese.

    The Freese. (100)

    United States
    We've already had some discussion on this, you know, but...
    I don't have in front of me the previous version, so I don't know what you added, but it feels like...I don't know. It reads fuller to me for some reason now. The P.O.V thing I think works better with that direct reference like we talked about so yay. <3 For me personally, though, I just don't think I'm used to reading 2nd person. Maybe you'll break me of that. : )
    But good job, dear. I too hold envy, most certainly.

    Oh, and Matty would like me to add, "Wunderbar Schriftstellerei, mein liebe." <3
    January 31st, 2011 at 07:28am