Burn it Down - Comments

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    September 29th, 2023 at 04:28am
  • HELL YEA EDWARD SCISSOR HANDS!Lol My favorite Johnny Depp movie.Great movie,I love it!Aaaaaw Omgsh that's so sweet of Bri Bear to buy his little baby all of that stuff.And it's so cute that he wants a baby girl so bad.I just think that's down right adorable.He just is so excited that it makes me excited for the both of them.AAAAAAAHHHH YAAAAAAY BRI BRI GOT WHAT HE WANTED!A LITTLE GIRL!CONGRATS TO BOTH OF THEM!That's got to be so exciting!Oh I'm even more excited now!I hope that baby is a healthy baby cuz ik it's going to be happy and I don't need to wish that it'll be a beautiful baby because I mean Brians' gorgeous so the baby is BOUND to be just as beautiful :) Loved the update so much,it was soooo sweet!Update soon hun,loved it!!!
    October 16th, 2011 at 09:30pm
  • Awe that was cute, I'm happy Brian got the little girl he wanted.
    October 16th, 2011 at 04:35pm
  • I have never cried while reading a fan fic with or about Jimmy, but chapter 11 was just... I cried. It was soo sad and cute at the same time. I even cried the day I found out he was gone, he was my hero, He's the one who inspired me to start drumming.
    This story is really good so far, I love it. (:
    October 12th, 2011 at 02:51pm
  • And Brian talking to the baby was oh so sweet
    October 12th, 2011 at 01:00pm
  • Aaaaaw poor Candy.I still feel bad for her.And oh my she smelled like Jimmy?Why is that?Ur story has a little bit of a supernatural twist to it.I love it love it love it.I don't think it's weird at all that she wants to store those clothes.It's her way of remembering Jimmy.I think it's sweet.I agree that another dream might have really hurt her.Well I mean about JIMMY that is.I really loved this chapter!It was really awesome!I can't wait for another update!Update soon hun =D
    October 12th, 2011 at 12:57pm
  • Brian talking to the baby, super cute! He's gonna make a kickass daddy. As for Candy smelling like Jimmy, I think that will help her when she misses him.
    October 12th, 2011 at 12:14pm
  • Got me tearing up and everything. I was not expecting that at all...man that was just- I don't even know. It was well written and filled with a lot of feeling
    October 12th, 2011 at 01:57am
  • Aaaaaw.She's so cute preggnant.HA!Brian,why do u steel her style lol.That's cute.And her waddling is cute too.='/.Jimbo..That was so sad.It broke my heart & made me sad.Poor Jimmers.I miss him so much.He was so amazing..Ik he's in a better place though.Great updated!loved it can't wait for more!
    October 11th, 2011 at 09:57pm
  • I love this!
    October 9th, 2011 at 07:23am
  • YAY!!She told everyone!I want to touch her belly too :) lol I love babies.I'm so excited for Candy,I hope everything goes well with her preggnancy.I hope she stays happy & healthy through out the whole thing.OMFG!!!Melissa u FUCKING CUM GUZZLING GUTTER SLUT!STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE AVENGED FAMILY!!!!I swear,you come near that family or that baby again & I'll fucking kill you myself!Dumb fucking bitch!!Go Candy!ExZACKtly don't ever call her child a thing again.I loved this update!And I really love Candy,she's so awesome!!!!!Can't wait for another kick ass update!
    October 5th, 2011 at 01:15pm
  • Melissa needs to back the hell off and stay away from Brian and his new family. She's not much of a threat, but who knows whores have a few tricks up their sleeves sometimes.
    October 5th, 2011 at 12:11pm
  • Brian's going to make a wonderful dad when the baby gets here and I kind of want them to have a boy. I think it would be cute to see another little Brian running around.
    September 30th, 2011 at 09:37pm
  • Just hope Melissa drops dead and doesn't try to ruin it or I'll kick her ass back to Skaknville
    September 30th, 2011 at 11:20am
  • If i opened my eyes and Synyster Gates was sitting on the coffe table I would have freaked out.In a good way though.Lol.Aaaw I'm glad he's going to step up and take responsibility for the baby.Mmmm.BLT's are good.Yay the baby kicked.It was so adorable that he wants a daddy's girl.Hhhmmmm...I wonder what it will be..Loved the update hun,ur such a great writer,can't wait.Update soon!! :)
    September 30th, 2011 at 11:16am
  • I'm surprised that Syn took the news about him being a daddy so well. I thought he would have fought a little more with Matt about it, but he didn't and that's a good thing. Now all we need is Syn to beg for Candy's forgiveness and leave that hoe Melissa alone for good.
    September 28th, 2011 at 01:00am
  • Skank Alert!!!!!:I haaate Melissa.You go Candy,u put that bitch in her place!Omg Brian,ur such a dick!How could u do that to Candy,and even more how could u even ATTEMPT Melissa after what she did?Boy ya need to get ur head back on straight.GO MATTIE!I just love him.Well I love all of them,but lol.N e way,hell yea Shadz,SOMEBODY needed to get Brian's head removed from his ass!Aaaaw well I'm GLAD he's gonna try and make it right w/ Candy.At least he's going to make up for it.LOOOVED the new update.It was soooo good!Can't wait for more !
    September 27th, 2011 at 09:23am
  • Skank Alert!!!!!:I haaate Melissa.You go Candy,u put that bitch in her place!Omg Brian,ur such a dick!How could u do that to Candy,and even more how could u even ATTEMPT Melissa after what she did?Boy ya need to get ur head back on straight.GO MATTIE!I just love him.Well I love all of them,but lol.N e way,hell yea Shadz,SOMEBODY needed to get Brian's head removed from his.Aaaaw well I'm GLAD he's gonna try and make it right w/ Candy.At least he's going to make up for it.LOOOVED the new update.It was soooo good!Can't wait for more !
    September 27th, 2011 at 09:21am
  • Freaking lolz:"Would you believe me if I said I'm not home?"lol got a chuckle out of that.AAAAAAHHH OH MY GOSH SHE'S PREGGNANT? ??AAAAW CONGRATS TO HER :)Oooooo but Syn don't know..Eek.Mattie is such a sweet heart.And so adorable...Woo Syn,u man whore.Jk.Hope everything goes ok telling Bri Bri.*Crosses fingers*.Fucking awesome update!Please update soon!Can't wait!
    September 26th, 2011 at 05:58pm
  • Freaking lolz:"Would you believe me if I said I'm not home?"lol got a chuckle out of that.AAAAAAHHH OH MY GOSH SHE'S PREGGNANT? ??AAAAW CONGRATS TO HER :)Oooooo but Syn don't know..Eek.Mattie is such a sweet heart.And so adorable...Woo Syn,u man whore.Jk.Hope everything goes ok telling Bri Bri.*Crosses fingers*.Fucking awesome update!Please update soon!Can't wait!
    September 26th, 2011 at 05:57pm