Scars You're Keeping - Comments

  • Wow.
    Reading that was like being on an emotional rollercoaster; the way you described the pain and the emotions was so clear, it almost felt like I could be living them myself. I felt so deep into it that I almost felt sorry for him for being alive. Actually, scrap the almost, I did feel sorry for him when he awoke, because he was finally getting his escape and then it was ruined. The way you described everything just brought it to life.
    I also have to say that I love your vocabulary. The way you write is pretty much right up my street and it definitely gave me the extra push I needed to finish a couple of chapters off that I'm in the middle of. To do that, stories have to be interesting and the vocabulary has to been astounding, so i know that your story most definitely fell under those two categories.
    I loved the link to the song as well; the sneaky little bits with lyrics hidden and just the general feel. I also love the lyrics you chose at the start because they pretty much linked to the whole story really well.
    On that note... I bloody love the layout. The banner is so amazing. And the summery is set up so well, with the gradients and everything. It's just beautiful :)
    Thank you for entering! I really enjoyed reading this.
    (And in my head, Johnny was completely and utterly fine and that bitch got her comeuppance, just to let you know...)
    February 25th, 2011 at 12:43pm
  • That was amazing, Dasha. It was simply beautiful in ways that I can't even say. I always love reading good stories about little Johnny Christ, especially when they're amazingly well-written. Which yours always are. I loved your last JC fic, and I loved this one just as much. The picture you used in the banner was absolutely adorable and it made me want to pinch his cheeks. And then later on in the story, after he was shot and those two left, I wanted to just give him a big hug because he got hurt so bad, not so much physically as emotionally. I can't believe how you always outdo yourself, Dasha. Every story you do gets better and better and better. I can't wait to see what you have up your talented little sleeve next. :D
    February 4th, 2011 at 08:42am