Mischief Managed - Comments

  • layout I love it. The banner matches perfectly with the background. It's simple and clean and is easy on the eyes.

    summary No summary? I usually don't like that. It might be wise to add a little bit of information. You can always put a quote or song lyrics or something as well?

    chapter one
    Suddenly, my clothes began to really fascinate me. "Nope, just friends."
    This made me laugh because I'm the same way. It's something I have in common with the main character, which is nice.

    Overall, I like this. It's off to a cute start. The main family is adorable with the Weasleys. I'm interested to see what happens. :)
    February 8th, 2011 at 02:17am
  • I, being the mature young woman that I am, stuck out my tongue at the two.
    Buhahaha I dont know why this made me laugh. The use of sarcasm made it hilarious.

    You know the way these friends are teasing each other reminds me of my friends and I, you really captured well the anxiety you feel when your put on the spot =D.The way you've written this you can feel how glad she is to be back. One little complain though..when she is asked how her holidays were...you can add a little more to that..you know explaining in depth what she did..Just a suggestion.

    But this is good, i am not fan of fanfics but this one changes things =D
    well done love, keep it up
    February 8th, 2011 at 02:10am
  • This is great so far. I love reading Harry Potter fan fictions. Especially ones with Fred or George as one of the main characters. I can't wait to read more, you are definitely off to a great start. :)
    February 8th, 2011 at 01:57am
  • Definitely just subbed(:
    February 7th, 2011 at 01:26am
  • First off, I love the layout, normally a color as bright as orange would hurt my eyes when set atop of black but it seems that the soft shade you have chosen not only compliments the picture you have chosen but sets a nice mood for the story.

    I like the way you've set this up, I like that, as they enter you sort of describe the relationship she has with each Weasley. Be sure to keep that up as you transition from the Weasley house to the World Cup to Hogwarts. I am truly impressed that you seem to have kept everyones personalities the same as J.K. Rowling had them, it really does bother me when I read a fan fiction and Draco is suddenly the nicest kid in the world, I am glad that -- so far -- you haven't done that.

    I'm officially looking forward to this and sorry if there are any mistakes in this comment, I'm using an iPad :/
    February 7th, 2011 at 12:28am
  • seriously love this title, it reminds me of the map in harry potter
    so good job getting the harry potter thing in there even more :)
    I love this layout/banner too. the banenr is cool because it seems like it really is written on the paper
    oh that's cool how they already have like a relationship with the weasleys
    and shes' friends with Ron :D who doesn't love Ron man?
    I lke how they are all friends :) it's cool to see how she fits in here well
    ohh they're suspecting romance ;) wonder what's going to happen there...
    I want to see the real relationship between Fred and Ella!
    I like how Arthur is like a father :) that's a cool concept that I like
    I seriously love this a lot, I have to subscribe! very excited to see the Fred/Ella relationship
    amazing job :D <3
    February 6th, 2011 at 10:17pm
  • I love the colors of the layout. It matches the picture perfectly and the colors are just gorgeous. I can honestly say that I am excited to read this since I haven't read Harry Potter and I don't read many fanfictions.

    I like, how in the beginning, you added some background details about how the two families became friends. I really liked it. I also like how you had some information about Ella and her siblings, sharing what year they are in. I just really like the snipits of information about the past and everything.

    I really like this story. I think I like it so much because I love Fred and George. Haha. Anyway, you can definitely count me as another subscriber. I can't wait to see what happens next!
    February 6th, 2011 at 04:46am
  • I liked this a lot. Enough to definitely check back for more. I love the layout and the title, and the summary was lovely, too. It all worked together for the betterment of your story.

    I adored the Weasley family, though.

    I think the 'though' could have been left off. It doesn't really make sense here. I also think a prologue could have been put on. It seems like we jump heavily into description and a lot of detail about who these people are, and I like more to see that filled in gradually over the first few chapters becausethat can be a lot to muck through right away.

    Over all, very good job!
    February 4th, 2011 at 10:46pm
  • [font=1] I love HP fan fictions, really. Especially Dramione ones.

    But anyways, I like this, and I'm subscribing. There's not much to say since there's only one chapter, but I think that she has something going on with Fred now. And I can't get it out of my head so i guess I'll have to read on to find out!
    February 4th, 2011 at 10:45pm
  • When I saw u were starting a harry potter fan fiction I had to jump right on it lol. I used to have an account on hpff and wrote a harry potter fan fiction but when my computer crashed I lost my work so that story kinda got abandoned :/ But enough about my hp story disappearing into the realm of the unknown lol. I really liked how you told the story, it had a home-like kind of feeling to it, like I was in the story or Ella was telling it directly to me in person. I also like how you put the focus on the Weasleys and not Harry. I love Harry don't get me wrong, but its interesting to hear more about the Weasleys. Fred and George are so funny lol. It'd be so cute if Fred and Ella got together, the part you described about them hugging was adorable. I really liked this chapter, update soon?
    February 4th, 2011 at 10:45pm
  • oh my dear this isn't have bad I think I got lost most of the time but i managed

    I love the layout even if i'm blind & was hard to read (just kidding)
    February 4th, 2011 at 10:14pm
  • Oh my god I freakin love this! And I know I read it last night but reading it again, im still in love with it lol.
    I am so excited to see where this goes!
    please update soon!
    February 4th, 2011 at 03:25pm