Saving Grace - Comments

  • Angel Devastation

    Angel Devastation (105)

    United States
    This was really really good. I enjoyed it a lot. Beautiful writing too
    April 16th, 2011 at 03:08am
  • meg's red lips.

    meg's red lips. (100)

    United States
    Nicely done! The summary just drew me in. The fact that you chose to do it from the point of view of his angel just added to it. It was very well written and I liked all of it. Even the ending, even if you didn't like it. And I'm glad she kept her wings. She's a great guardian.
    February 23rd, 2011 at 01:53am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    i like the simplicity, but if i'm getting picky i think the lighter pink just loses flow for me. i absolutely love the banner image. the summary is interesting. it makes me wonder just how religious it will be. i'm actually a huge fan of religious fiction that isn't preachy so i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    i like the narration in the beginning. i'm not sure how i feel about so bluntly stating 'gerard way lead singer of my chemical romance', but everything else flowed really well. it's not exactly sarcastic, but it's not that soft, compassionate voice one would expect from an angel. it's just a little bit of attitude and it's great because it gives the angel depth.

    “This really pretty angel came and talked to me while I was throwing up.”
    i love this. i laughed so fucking hard. because it's just the way he says it. so matter-of-fact and everyone is just like 'oooookay'. it's a great comedic relief, but it also doesn't break from the story which isn't told is this super dark way.

    I sort of love how Peter is the second-in-command and God is the boss and it's just like an office. But the part about Gerard praying gutted me. It was simple words, but not a simple feeling.
    February 16th, 2011 at 11:12pm
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    Wow, this was really good.
    First off love the layout, it really goes along with story which is good.
    The summary was good, it had me wanting to read.
    And I agree ^^ I love that this story has an angel in this, not alot of stories do.
    Overall this one-shot was amazing, every detail was good.
    Amazing one-shot :)
    February 6th, 2011 at 02:53am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    First off, I love the fact that this is an angel story. I sorta have a soft spot for them, considering City of Angels is one of my favorite films <3
    I also love how, even through her description of Gerard, you've given this angel a personality, which is something that I haven't seen in most of the angel fics I've read. I like that, even though it's an angel, you still give her a little bit of a bite and an edge. Just because she's an angel doesn't make her bland, ya know, and I love that you've acknowledged that in this piece.

    The fact that God has a PA system made me burst into giggles XD

    Honestly, the ending made me melt a little inside. I love how in the beginning, she saves him, but in the end, he saves her from losing her wings. This was beautiful, Joanna <3
    February 6th, 2011 at 01:32am
  • jasonsudekis

    jasonsudekis (100)


    It's a good title, but it seems a little cliche, right off the bat. However, it doesn't take away from the story, or give to it. I could do with something else, but this works well too.


    I like the summary. To the point, makes me like the story already. I can tell it's going to be interesting and emotional. Very well done.


    I like the concept; him being a guardian angel for Gerard, a man who I always pictured totally different from the way you've portrayed him here. That's really great.

    The dialogue between the two of them is great. I love how she tries to convince him of what he'll be missing, and he asks her what he should do. It seems we've come into the story at a pivotal moment in Gerard's life, and that's exciting and heart breaking to read about.

    I love the way it ends up; how she is able to save him even though she broke the rules and in the beginning was sure he was hopeless.

    Great job!
    February 6th, 2011 at 01:29am
  • tiffany danielle

    tiffany danielle (100)

    United States
    The beginning of this was very, very serious and very close to heartbreaking, I'll admit, aha. But when I read this line:

    “How fucking drunk am I?”

    I could not stop laughing. I mean, it's the logical reaction to someone seeing someone claiming to be their guardian angel, but it just struck my funny bone, aha. I loved this line. :) It also kind of lightened the mood for a second, which I appreciate. <3

    Frank jumped up, his Skittles flying everywhere

    Another line I liked very, very much. :) <3
    Skittles are just yummy, hehe. <333

    I'm so very very happy she got to keep her wings. (: She did a great thing by saving his life. And not just because he is Gee, but because he's a person.

    I think you did a lovely job of writing this. It broke my heart in the beginning but then it just put it right back together. The detail was beautiful and the idea - well, heartwarming to say the least, hehe.

    Beautiful. (: <3
    February 6th, 2011 at 12:32am
  • LittleCrunchOne

    LittleCrunchOne (100)

    United States
    You, m'dear, are ridiculous. This story was just so... happy. :D I just smiled through the whole thing. You should do really well in the contest, since your skills are just ridiculous as fuck. <3
    February 5th, 2011 at 03:09pm
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    Right from the summary, I knew I would love this. I've always enjoyed reading stories where guardian angels get involved, since I think every author puts their own unique perspective on it. The banner was gorgeous as well and perfectly fit with the summary; happiness overdose? I love it.

    What a wonderful line to start with. You set up the rest of the story perfectly from that and I know it had me hooked. What rules is he breaking? When you set a question like that up, the reader has to find out the answer. (or at least I do.)

    Lucky me, my first assignment was impossible. I love the sarcasm here. Some people try to write angels as these divine creatures who can do absolutely nothing wrong but I love when they have some humanity to them. It makes them that much easier to believe in.

    “What the fuck?” lmfao No idea why but that was hilarious and definitely sounded like something Gerard would say.

    I'm glad that you focused on Mikey's reaction near the end; I would have liked to see a bit more on his opinion but it does make sense that you didn't include this, since the angel is Gerard's, not Mikey's. On another note, I love how you snuck that bongo reference in. I love that part of LOTMS and I've always wanted to play that game.

    The intercom speaker in Heaven was a nice touch too. I always love reading people's interpretations of Heaven, since each one is unique. And I thought the ending was wonderful, especially this line: Tell her that today Gerard Way prayed. For the first time in his life, he prayed to me in thanks for her. I'm not sure why but I found that section to be incredibly beautiful.

    This was wonderful and I hope you do well in the contest. <3
    February 5th, 2011 at 05:35am