Frightened Puppet - Comments

  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    When you told me you had written some Dei/Sakura story, I thought it was going to be like every story I've read in the last days that hold no plot whatsoever, other than Deidara and Sakura fucking or kissing, or mushy stuff that makes me want to gag tehe

    Thankfully, I started reading, and goodness gracious Twitch The plot was so incredible and I loved it how you threw the reader right into the moment without hesitation. I liked how it started with such an emotional turmoil, and how Sakura doubted about what she was doing, because it fits her perfectly. She always needs someone to end up saving her, and now, that she had to do this herself, she had no one to do it for her, so she relied on him to save her, somehow, from what she was trained to do.

    I loved how it flowed so nicely. Deidara's feelings were exactly mine, that raw confusion, and he also doubted himself.

    I absolutely loved it, Chan.
    February 5th, 2011 at 11:40pm