Goodbye, Soldier - Comments

  • Teddi Manni

    Teddi Manni (100)

    United States
    This was so sweet yet so sad. I felt I was reading the letter and I was crying as if it were my letter to read from someone I have loved.

    You did an amazing job at setting the emotion and detail and the layout and banner match so beautifully.

    You did an amazing job:)
    May 7th, 2011 at 06:20pm
  • never quite awake.

    never quite awake. (100)

    United States
    The layout is beautiful, and simple enough so that it doesn't distract from the true beauty of the writing. Oh, the letter is so heart-breakingly gorgeous. I almost cried, seriously. The banner was perfect. I like the precise, clear way you wrote this, and the flow and the pretty word choice really completed it. I love the title, as well. Amazing job, all-in-all.
    February 19th, 2011 at 10:12pm
  • emily browning

    emily browning (100)

    United States
    This was incredibly heart warming. The last few lines almost had me tearing up, and that's hard to do. :) The title should have given it away that it was going to be intense, but I never really saw it as being so until I finished reading it.

    All-in-all, wonderful. Beautiful.
    February 10th, 2011 at 08:21pm
  • tiffany danielle

    tiffany danielle (100)

    United States
    Just from the title, I can tell this piece is going to be intense, aha. I'm emotionally pumped - time to read!(: <33

    I would fill up a notebook full of blank pages with enough x’s and o’s to make a novel. That’s how deeply I care for you.

    Though the first few sentences were absolutely heart warming, this one was my favorite.<333 It's so cute and sweet and loving at the same time. :)

    but all I’ve seen is the inside of this bunker and a thousand bodies strewn across a battlefield.

    This line just broke my heart. That sight, day in and day out for a long period of time, is just awful to imagine. I probably couldn't take it for one day.

    that the last thing I may ever see is the wrong end of a rifle has left me blind to all beauty.

    Oh gracious. </3 ):
    The line was so beautiful - your writing is so stellar - but gracious, this broke my heart. ); </3
    A million times over.

    Yeah, okay, at the beginning, I was wrong. So incredibly and undeniably wrong it's laughable. I was not emotionally prepared for this at all. xD Your writing is so beautiful, so amazing, that it strengthened the already heart breaking message to earth shattering, aha. I'm near tears because I want to hug this soilder. My arms are litterally aching with the will to hug and make everything better, aha.

    This piece, in short, was nothing less than amazing. I'm going to go find a dictionary and come back with a bunch more adjectives to describe all this awesome.<33
    February 10th, 2011 at 05:51pm
  • Little Misfit;

    Little Misfit; (100)

    United States
    Soldier stories are always the saddest. ;~;
    But this was beautiful.
    The layout is gorgeous. The picture at the top is quite cute, and I love your mad writing skillz, Aaden Bear. <3

    All-in-all, it's quite amazing. (:
    February 10th, 2011 at 02:30am
  • fascination.

    fascination. (100)

    United States
    I love this layout <3 it's very pretty :)
    the first paragraph is so cute :)
    it shows that this person really has a lot of feelings for the other
    aww it's a soldier writng to his wfe, that's so sweet :)
    and she's pregnanat - I find that endearing :)
    wow, this is so sad, and so, powerful.
    i Mena this man is going to die, and his wife is going to raise that baby alone
    this wass o sad, it really broke my heart
    but that's just how wonderful of a writer you are,
    you give the emotions of the characters on to the reader
    this was absolutely amazing <3 :)
    February 10th, 2011 at 02:13am
  • richard roman.

    richard roman. (205)

    United States
    This is really sad. I think maybe because my dad was a Marine and though he was a Marine in peace time it still makes me think what would've happened if he was in an actual war.
    The way you describe the man wishing he had an office job but knowing he's proud, if only just a little, to serve his country is beautiful. I'm sure a lot of soldiers think the same thing.

    And I do believe you accurately capture how soldiers lose all sight of beauty and peace and good when they're at war and seeing people die. War changes people, and you've done good with including that.

    You broke my heat with this story. It was beautiful and it was sad and it was grim but it was breathtaking, too.
    February 7th, 2011 at 05:31pm
  • Neche Narcissist

    Neche Narcissist (100)

    United States
    Before I start the comment was that summary from a song? I feel like it is... If it is can you please tell me becuase it will bug me all day... Anyway on with the comment! This was truely heartbreaking and sadening. I almost started crying. It was his last letter and that broke my heart. The way he put his words you could tell he was truely feaful of her getting that letter and even the smallest amounts of words you wrote could somehow easily desplayed the love he felt. This was beautiful and heartbreaking and sad. Is this comment making sense? I hope so... Sorry I've been up all night :/ XD. anyway! Great job!
    February 6th, 2011 at 07:35pm
  • turducken

    turducken (100)

    Dude, soldier stories are always the saddest, because they can die at any moment and it's not like their bad people. It's especially sad when he talks about how he regrets it, now that he's actually living the life, because now I feel like so many people are living that right now and they're writing to their families not even sure if they're going to be alive when they get it. AND THEN YOU TIMES THAT SADNESS BY 9038092834902384 ADDING A BABY INTO THE MIX.
    It must be so scary that he could just... die at any moment. And super sad because now his baby won't ever know their dad. Wah, why do you have to write such depressing matters? Why can it not be just like unicorns and rainbows and everything?
    ... Okay, wait, I'm not sure if he died or not. Is he writing this? IF HE DIED, I SWEAR TO GOD. He was just so sweet, talking about how he missed her so much.

    It's short, so there isn't much to say, but it's really... hard-hitting? Aha, I can't think of the right word, but I really like this.
    February 6th, 2011 at 06:00pm
  • sharkbait.

    sharkbait. (100)

    United States
    Layout It's beautiful. It's very simple and doesn't distract from the actual writing.

    Summary I'm already in tears. I know that sounds a little crazy and what not, but I am. If you wrote that yourself, that's amazing. It's very simple but does explain what the story will be about.

    So... I did end up shedding a tear or two. Soldiers are my weakness. It hits hard due to friends and family overseas. This was lovely. It was amazingly written. I almost wish there was more, but at the same time I'm glad there isn't. I love it. You're a great writer, my dear. :)
    February 6th, 2011 at 05:06am