Scream! - Comments

  • Just found this and it is a really good story so update soon please!
    August 8th, 2015 at 10:13am
  • Same. Just found this as well and it's great :) I really love this story and you write really well :) I honestly can't wait for Hail to the King--it sounds like it will be another awesome story. So please update soon!!!
    November 15th, 2014 at 05:19am
  • Just found this. I'm up to date now and can't wait to see what'll happen next. Please update again soon. Xxx
    August 14th, 2014 at 05:49pm
  • @ Tonya_7fold
    Aw well thank you. And yes, there was a correlation between him doing that, and the mark he leaves behind. It's kinda his signature in a really f'd up way, lol. I'm glad you liked the things I added to the first few chapters, I was concerned people would re-read and be like "no, this is different!!", but I think they're very subtle and make it better. Hope you enjoy the rest as much as you are now!
    August 14th, 2014 at 05:37am
  • @ bobobob
    Hey, first of all, I'd like to say I really love this story! And I've noticed the edits you've been making. When you first wrote the first few chapters, I sent you a message regarding how much I liked them and we got to talking about it, and you mentioned you wrote it on a cellphone, and when you went to copy and paste, it grouped all together in one, and I'm glad you finally were able to fix that. Also, in my opinion, the last few chapters have actually been some of the more well written that I've read on Mibba, with minimal spelling errors, if any at all, and I like your style of writing. I like the obviousness of the hesitation in certain words and sentences. It's not just a bland sentence, but it comes to life.
    I've noticed the few details that that you've added, and I'm also wondering if mentioning the "mark" Matt leaves on his victims has anything to do with him cutting his name into her. If so, that's just another small detail that I really love. You've clearly spent time trying to tie them all together, after those years of not adding to this story. I feared when I first saw you updated that it wouldn't be the same, because the ideas you may have had back then may have slipped your memory. But I think you took this story to a whole new, very unexpected level. Far too many fan fictions are predictable, but every time you post I look forward to something new, and it never fails.
    When I began reading chapter 9, I liked it, but felt disappointed because it was very cliche to how most fanfics go, but you totally threw me for a loop, and threw in the unexpected, shocking ending and I was super happy because of that. My disappointment turned to total love, and that's when I got REALLY excited about you continuing this story.
    Keep up the good work. And I look forward to more work by you! You're really awesome, and can think up, and tell a great, realistic story that kind of sucks you in. Matt, or A7X in general fan fictions are usually so predictable, and this one brings on all knew surprises and twists that I haven't found in any others. It feels very "one of a kind". Great job!
    August 14th, 2014 at 01:40am
  • @ NikkiFoxy8
    Thanks for always leaving awesome comments! <3 I'm trying to get at least a few chapters written a day, and I'm glad you like it, and still enjoy it! I appreciate it!
    August 13th, 2014 at 10:41pm
  • @ January Rose
    Thanks for the comment! I'm actually slowly but surely working on editing them, I don't expect them to be perfect, but I'm getting around to editing the earlier chapters mostly first because those I wrote three years ago, and they had A LOT of errors. I've mostly been focusing on getting content up, since I neglected this story for so long. The newer ones won't be perfect either. I'm not a "writer", and I expect them to have flaws. I'm working on them all though, so soon they should be improved. I'm also changing the stories up a bit with minor editing to the first few chapters stories.
    August 13th, 2014 at 10:38pm
  • I really hope that Matt can protect her from his dad! I am loving this story more and more! Please update soon! I am also very excited to read your new story! Thank you!
    August 13th, 2014 at 08:26pm
  • I just found this story and I've been reading through it, and it's pretty good. The characters are pretty believable and you have some very detailed and descriptive parts.
    But the entire story needs to be edited. There are writing errors in every chapter, some that you can skip over and some that stop the story flow and confuse the reader.
    I suggest that you get some help from a beta reader, or I can help you edit your story. This story right now is a 7/10 but could easily be a 9 or even a 10.
    August 13th, 2014 at 06:14pm
  • I think he just hit her in the head with the gun! Please don't let her die! Thank you for the new update! Please update soon!
    August 13th, 2014 at 01:59am
  • @ bobobob
    Thank you :)
    August 10th, 2014 at 05:51pm
  • I really think he is starting to have real feelings for her! Thank you so much! Please update soon!
    August 10th, 2014 at 08:18am
  • @ rachelmc
    Yep. Posted today and plan to post more often. Another chapter should be up soon.
    August 10th, 2014 at 02:17am
  • Is this story currently being updated?
    August 9th, 2014 at 10:34pm
  • ALSO! I'm going to be going through and editing some errors in all the previous chapters and spacing them out correctly so they're easier to read.
    August 3rd, 2014 at 09:47am
  • @ NikkiFoxy8

    @ Metalwhore

    Sorry, was moving to a different state and finally have time to write again. I had worked on chapters through out the past few months but non of them seemed all that great and too rushed. I promise to bring this story back and going soon (working on a chapter as we speak)
    August 3rd, 2014 at 09:33am
  • SORRY! Everyone! I know I said I'd be updating frequently but I just settled into a new house after moving to a totally different state. And to be honest every time i wrote another chapter i felt like it wasn't that great and was rushed. Stay tuned! And if anyone has any special requests or suggestions of what they wanna see in upcoming chapters, let me know! Thanks for reading. I appreciate all the comments. Sorry to leave you all hanging!
    August 3rd, 2014 at 09:30am
  • Please update soon!
    May 17th, 2014 at 03:15am
  • I love this and I want more!
    March 20th, 2014 at 05:07pm
  • @ RavenArtist93
    Aw well thanks for reading! I'll be updating frequently. Comments are what keep me writing. They let me know people want more, so thanks for the comment!
    March 17th, 2014 at 07:13pm