The Only Hope for Me Is You - Comments

  • Oh my god I'm so close to crying. Is he okay now?
    June 22nd, 2011 at 03:20am
  • I freaking cried my fucking eyes out. You've never explained it to me that way. :'( I love you my friend and I know that he'll make it through this again. Meli and I are there for you, hell my whole fucking family is there to support you. We'll always be there for you.
    February 27th, 2011 at 11:45am
  • Layout; I'm not really partial to the layout. It doesn't tell me anything about the story and it isn't very eye-catching. However, it is easy to look at and doesn't distract from the story, so that's good.

    Summary; Well, there is none, which usually really turns me off from a story and makes me think that if the writer can't write a summary, how good can the story be? I would suggest putting something there, so people don't think that.

    Chapter one is very good. You do a good job of explaining what's going on and making the reader care about the characters, which I'm guessing is so easy for you to do because this is really happening to you. I like this story a lot. I would like to see some more detail in chapters two and three, just a little more background to go along with the current events.

    Great job!
    February 9th, 2011 at 10:25pm
  • This is really great...i'm really really sorry you have to go through all of this:/
    But i the story is really good:)
    i'm subscribing:)
    February 8th, 2011 at 02:13pm
  • This is really nicely written. A very well done intro. I'm sorry that this is happening, I wish you and your fiancee the best. Anyway well done, a very good start but if I'm being honest I think you should get a different layout, that's the only weak point to it.
    February 7th, 2011 at 06:37pm