Spawn of Our Pen - Comments

  • boyscout.

    boyscout. (100)

    United States
    For Story/Review game:

    The way you word it, right from the beginning, it truly awe-inspiring. It really gets the reader sucked in. You're writing just puts a spell over the reader, and you can't stop yourself from continuing.

    You're perfect because you're not, and you don't care to be.

    Perfect. I like how you state here that perfection is imperfection. It's a great switch from the usual "Perfection is all about being perfect and amazing" instead of not caring about it. That is what perfect is.

    You're perfect because you're up there, for everyone to see, naked in your vulnerability but clad in tight leather and studded belts.

    My jaw literally dropped at this sentence. It was true. You have such a lovely way with words. How you state their "naked in vulnerability" yet still "clad in tight leather and studded belts"; true genius. It shows how it goes deeper than just the outside appearance.

    You are one sick victim. They've killed you, and resurrected an actor.

    That last, lone sentence is like a punch to the gut. You're working your way up, and then bam. I love how this drabble really makes you think. You're words affected me and made me think of how much we think we know about the people we write about; when really we know nothing.

    Your writing is truly powerful. The topic in which you write about is really different. (:
    February 6th, 2008 at 05:46am
  • joonie.

    joonie. (100)

    United States
    This was great, so simple, but very profound. I understand completely where your coming from, every word making so much sense in so many ways. It was very much your opinion, but I feel as if a lot of was almost the definition of a fanfiction and what a fanfiction author does.

    It wasn't offense, even to me being a fanfiction author. I have seen it just as you've said it. But, like you said, they are so loved and so perfect on stage. They are who we want them to be because we don't know that. And so authors use that to their advantage.

    The last sentence was the very best. It ended it off so perfectly. Almost as if you were doing the killing yourself. Like, killing the story by those last words. It made me want more, despite the fact that there isn't more.

    Sorry this is becoming very much of a ramble. It's brilliant, just remember that.
    February 6th, 2008 at 05:28am
  • Sheepy

    Sheepy (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Okay, you are an amazing writer.

    This is some expression of an opinion. The turns of phrase, the imagery, and how you said so much with so few words; how you said it so well.

    Such a powerful, impacting message. The sometimes violent descriptions really sent the point home for me. Made it feel more brutal, more realistic.

    You are one sick victim. They've killed you, and resurrected an actor.

    That part took my breath away, literally. Such a powerful ending--again, the idea of death, sickness, and resurrection gives the sentence another level, making the last point stick in my mind so much.

    Well, I think I've established that I can't do you story justice through this comment, so I'll just finish with this; you are a phenomenal writer.
    February 3rd, 2008 at 03:33pm
  • Emma!

    Emma! (100)

    This was absolutely amazing :]
    January 27th, 2008 at 12:52am
  • dr. faustus

    dr. faustus (1070)

    "Spawn of Our Pen"

    Where to start. That was a wonderful short piece I have ever read and I mean that. Everything flowed like a wave never going off beat on anything. For this to be so short you got a lot from it. The message was very clear and that was good.

    The descritpions and imargy were outstanding beyond anything. Your point was put across nicely.

    You know what they do to you? They analyze you, rip you to shreds, prod the living hell out of every word rolled out by your tongue just to make some more of it, to write another story, essay, poem on.

    ^That sentecne right there done it for me and was breath taking to say the least.
    Very well done.
    January 26th, 2008 at 06:55pm
  • nolongerexists

    nolongerexists (100)

    United States


    that's amazing

    January 26th, 2008 at 06:13pm
  • sullen riot.

    sullen riot. (100)

    Drabble, 271 words.
    My thoughts on fan fiction, on rock stars, on the spawn of our pen.
    This is not meant to offend anyone, it is only an expression of an opinion, one that I may not necessarily hold.

    Enjoy. :]
    January 26th, 2008 at 06:03pm