Nerd-fest - Comments

  • Billie Holiday

    Billie Holiday (100)

    You can so add more to this!
    I don't agree with the first commenter because we don't learn from morals from fiction, we're born with morals but some people just aren't lucky enough to either keep them or be born with them.
    So don't feel bad about making the bully look good, cos it so works.

    I dig this.
    June 29th, 2011 at 01:40pm
  • auden

    auden (650)

    United Kingdom
    I love how cliche this was. It's the perfect scenario, nerds with the wide rimmed glasses and pocket protectors getting beat down by the better looking guys. I've never actually seen anything like that happen in secondary school in Britain or in the US of A.

    I think what I'd love to see would be the guys go for the girl in a romantic way and she ends up beating them down. Whether it be psychically or emotionally. That'd make for an excellent laugh. I really enjoyed reading this. Mainly because I'm cynical.
    March 23rd, 2011 at 04:39pm
  • Kstoletheberry

    Kstoletheberry (100)

    United States
    I am a co-judge of the Darker than Disney contest and I would rate this an 8 out of 10 for creativity.

    I have ONE major thing to say. I really hope you add at least one more chapter, because the way I would continue this is have the girl be of course like in any kid story bully/prank the bully to teach all the kiddies out there reading this that bullying is NOT ok since bullying is a touchy subject now a days.

    This was cute in an annoying way since the nerds...pocket protectors...glasses...studying in the so cliche its just..ridiculous. The funny sidekick, the jerkish bully...all been done before but you did it interesting. It still annoys me though about the girl.

    Good Luck with the competition, and I severly suggest you correct this mean and hurtful suggestion that bullies get what they want. I've been bullied and if you ever have, you would never want yoru bully to have that kind of only makes bullied kids feel worse and do stupid things.
    March 21st, 2011 at 07:38am