In the Middle - Comments

  • I love special treatment, though I don't deserve it. Anyway I must say that chapter was interesting.... Getting to see things from Robert's perspective. And I love that he loves Hunter so much, even if he isn't so smart about showing his love all the time. And how does Veronica know him? O.o I'm curious.... And worried... O.o

    You deserve comments! I hope you get them!
    August 20th, 2011 at 12:35am
  • Yes, well, I do enjoy special treatment. ;)
    NOOOOOOOOOOOO! VERONICAAAAAAA! Ugh! I see "accidental" cheating in the future. He better tell Hunter about his new job or else things will get messy fast.
    August 19th, 2011 at 08:40pm
  • I love Jameson!!! He is such a good guy, I mean he is there for his mother when a lot of people wouldn't be.

    Hunter.... what can you say about Hunter she doesn't know it, but she is in a rut. She needs something to keep things new and entertaining to keep life fun, and somehow you can tell that Jameson would be perfect for her because he would keep things "fresh" and new and fun

    Hunter isn't herself with her boyfriend of SEVEN YEARS and that kills me because to me love is being who you are with someone else doing the same, and you just manage to love and need each other while still being yourself.

    The fact their hands fit perfectly together makes me smile cause I always think your one true love and you should fit together you hands together, you lips, her head on his chest, when they hug... ect so the hands fitting together perfectly gets me as hello you need to be together

    I am really loving this story so you know
    June 23rd, 2011 at 07:54am
  • Ah-HA! There is HOPE! Seeing how they're not married. (Seven years is a long, long time...) Hmmm. So I've decided that I don't like Hunter's current relationship terribly, mainly because theire normal method of arguing involves him yelling and her nodding her head until she's finished. That's how things operate at my house (when it comes to me and my parents, at any rate) and personally I am currently ready to get to college and not come back until necessary. (Though apparently all college students get homesick. So we'll see). Anyway, my point is that I'm rooting for "Jamie" now.

    A coffee shop! He runs a coffee shop! I don't know why, but somehow that seems uber-romantic to me. I think it's because a good cozy coffee shop always has a nice romantic-yet-intellectual feel. Like your writing :)

    Gah, his poor mother. And yet poor him :( And sister. (Hah! Thought you could freak me out with her for a while, didn't you? But no! I was not too quick to judge and thought to myself "hmmm...let's just pray that they're siblings")

    I'm kind of looking forward to seeing how the Ollie/Morgan couple plays into the whole thing. I feel like they'll end up being pretty important characters, but they could also end up as fringe characters, so you never know...

    YOU ARE AWESOME! And not suckish in any way, shape, or form. The person who dropped their subscription probably can't handle formal writing or something, lol. Anyway, my point is that you should always remember how amazing and funny you are and what a good commenter and writer you are. You will always be super cool to me <3
    June 23rd, 2011 at 07:06am
  • Great story so far. I hope you get around to updating, I would love to see how it pans out.
    May 3rd, 2011 at 11:12pm
  • Yay! I got a dedication :) Thank you so much! You are just as, if not more awesome <3

    About the chapter... NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! WHY IS SHE MARRIED/TAKEN????? I think Robert had every right to be mad at her and I know a lot of people are probably like "he shouldn't have hit her!" But I'm not so sure. Not that I think domestic violence is in any way good, I've just decided to hold off my judgment on Robert until he does something else. Because he seems to love her and he's never hit her before....but hitting is uncalled for and he left an outline of his hand on her face just because she yelled back at him...see how I'm confused? And this leads me back to the WHY IS SHE TAKEN??? lol. That is just depressing. No matter, I'm sure the story will continue in an amazing way :)
    March 19th, 2011 at 03:15am
  • 1) Worldclass is AMAZING RIGHT!!!!
    2) I liked the chapter
    3) GO HER for sticking up for herself
    4) AH such a good last line
    5) I do lists cause if I don't nothing makes ANYSENSE (I know cause of my comments to worldclass before the lists :P)
    6) Can't wait for more
    March 19th, 2011 at 12:40am
  • I just realized that I never subscribed to this story *headdesk* I must have been so excited commenting and bannering that I forgot! Anyway, not as much to comment on here. Still loving your amazing writing style and I'm glad you brought in Jameson's thoughts for a second because he is such a strange man. Like an angel or spirit almost, in his weird tendencies and his ability tonread her mind and propose that two strangers spend the night in the park.

    Muahahaha! They're already both vaguely attracted to eachother! I like that. It's realistic and not as often used as the classic "hate him then love him" deal most people use.

    I can't help but wonder when they'll meet again. Meeting once on accident is coincidence, twice is...I'm not sure. Sometimes, like if they go to he same school, it makes sense. I don't know. I'm pretty sure I'll love whatever you throw out there, even if Jameson "just happens" to be the newly hired maintenance man at Hunter's apartment building.

    I dont know if I told you this earlier, but I like how Jameson messes up Hunter's name in the beginning. It's romantic to think that there'll be one guy who doesn't ask that one cliche question about that one unique aspect of yours but this is real and adorable, especially when he backtracks. Looking forward to the next chapter, as always :)
    March 18th, 2011 at 03:27am
  • Worldclass told me about this story and I'm happy she did because I love it :)
    March 17th, 2011 at 09:37pm
  • I found them!! The girl took forever to find because I looked in the shirts section instead of the tanks. But the guy was the very first picture of the jackets page! Anyway, hope you like this banner :)

    February 28th, 2011 at 07:28am
  • I absolutely love your writing style! It has so much more sophistication and depth than a lot of the other stories here (including mine, lol. I think I'm more of a minimalist at the moment). It reminds me of the classics, but without the confusion and 3pagelong proposals (MR COLLINS!!!) that seem to come with the package. One thing that bugged me slightly is the fact that one of the genres is "teen." Because then my mindset was "these are teenagers" but they very obviously didn't act like teenagers. It's not a big thing, obviously, but it did distract me a little from the plot because I was so confused.

    Ah, would you mind sending me the pictures/telling me the names of people you used for the characters? I'm in a banner-making mood and I wanted to thank you for being such an awesome commenter :)
    February 27th, 2011 at 08:08pm
  • It definitely caught mine. I wonder what story could be behind the prologue. c:
    February 17th, 2011 at 07:22pm
  • i kinda like the fact your prologue has originality :]
    but it's great so far haha
    February 17th, 2011 at 06:56am