How to Date Alexis Brighten - Comments

  • xlaura17x

    xlaura17x (110)

    Great Britain (UK)
    What the hell? Oh Lordy, Fletcher is a horrible person. And he seemed so blaze about it too - he doesn't even care that he hurt all of those kids' feelings. It was an amazing chapter though, as usual. As you can tell I still strongly dislike Fletcher and wish Alexis would now just stay away from me, haha like Daniel wants. Maybe they're no longer friends because Fletcher did something to Daniel's family? Or something to do with the list? Mmm I wouldn't put anything past Fletcher to be honest. As to why the list was written, that is completely lost on me but I'm stoked to find out! As always, your writing is flawless :] xox
    April 25th, 2011 at 11:02am
  • Animalistic;

    Animalistic; (100)

    United States
    What did you think of this chapter?
    That it was disappointing. Not on your writing part, because that was legit, but more so that I was disappointed in Fletcher and Alexis.

    Is that what you expected Fletcher had done?
    Psht, no, I thought he like went to juvie or something, ha. What he did was horrible, but definitely not on the level that I thought it was.

    Oh, yeah:

    Are you starting to like Fletcher a little more at the end of this chapter?
    Uh, no. I thought he was intriguing at first but after I found out what he did I didn't care for him.

    Why do you think Daniel and Fletcher stopped being friends?
    Maybe something dealing with the special needs scandal. Like, maybe Daniel liked Alexis and already knew that her brother is autistic and when Daniel did it, it struck a nerve? Or maybe it's deeper than that.

    Why do you think the list was written?
    So the list was definitely written by Daniel and Fletcher. And Ace knows about it. So, I'm going to go with one of the previous guesses stated in which they were both interested in her. I definitely think that it's because one of them liked her. Maybe Fletcher liked her first and Daniel is doing all of this to despise her. Maybe vice versa?
    April 25th, 2011 at 09:40am
  • Animalistic;

    Animalistic; (100)

    United States
    Should I tell you how much I like this story?
    How I'm up at 4:23 on a school night reading it?
    The fact that I haven't subscribed to a story on
    Mibba since the beginning of the year and that you changed that?
    The fact that I actually 'awwed' out loud when
    Daniel said he liked her?
    The fact that I prayed every time that I got close
    to the end of a chapter that another one was coming?
    The fact that I think that this story is past brilliant?
    That I find it so fucking intriguing that I try to go Sherlock Holmes on this bitch?
    The fact that I totally figured out that Danny and Fletch
    were associated before she did?
    The fact that I somehow came
    to the conclusion that Danny wrote the note in the 2nd chapter?
    That I love Daniel and Alexis together?
    The fact that I don't think a "Team Fletcher"
    should even exist because he's a bad news bear?
    How much I relate to Alexis with the whole "Ice Queen" thing.

    Oh, I should?
    Well, I'm glad I already did. :P
    April 25th, 2011 at 09:28am
  • Divide the Joy

    Divide the Joy (100)

    United States
    Oh btw thanks for changing Daniels pick I always imagined his hair to be curly though
    why is Fletcher so tan looking
    and I alwas imagined Lacey with red hair because she is so bad to the bone
    April 25th, 2011 at 07:26am
  • TheGoodLlama

    TheGoodLlama (100)

    United States
    Definitely didn't see that coming, but it was creative.
    They were friends??
    This story is so intense.
    Thanks for the update!
    April 25th, 2011 at 05:18am
  • kelly yells love.

    kelly yells love. (100)

    United States
    What did you think of this chapter?--I think it's fantastic like every other chapter you write. I'm still kind of shocked about her getting all these answers and definitely about how some of them came to be. Hmmm, lots of mysteries.

    Is that what you expected Fletcher had done?--Not at all. I thought he'd done something like, oh I dunno, accidentally killed someone or lit something on fire. How rude is that? Vandalising a school for children like that. Definitely made me take a morality point off of him.

    Are you starting to like Fletcher a little more at the end of this chapter?--For the record, I've always liked Fletcher. I love him. I just ship her and Fletcher together. He's not the greatest person in the world, granted, but he obviously cares for Alexis and I think that really shows. Not only that but I have a soft spot for dangerous, impulsive band boys x] I definitely liked the part when Alexis called him Fletch and he was all like, "Ooh I like that." Haha, I laughed.

    Why do you think Daniel and Fletcher stopped being friends?--A myriad of reasons. I'm more interested in how they could have ever been friends. Fletch probs did something bad to one of Daniel's other friends or his family. I have absolutely noooo idea.

    Why do you think the list was written?--It was probably some complex scheme in which they were both interested in her and then they made the list of what was good and bad about her. Or Daniel was interested and then Fletcher became interested and maybe that's why they're not friends anymore. I'm not really sure how the male mind works.

    Overall, I love this story and I'm sorry I haven't really commented on it before. I forgot to subscribe to it and I was always like, "WTF why am I not getting updates?" Now I'm smart, thank god, and I know how to press a button. This is a great story and I love it.
    April 25th, 2011 at 04:04am
  • TheGreatPanic

    TheGreatPanic (100)

    United States
    What did you think of this chapter? I thought the chapter was oddly short

    Is that what you expected Fletcher had done?I didn't really expect it, I thought he like abused a kid there but haha nevermind

    Are you starting to like Fletcher a little more at the end of this chapter?I'm not actualy starting to like him at all, he kind of gets on my nerves haha.

    Why do you think Daniel and Fletcher stopped being friends?I think it has something to do with the dare and Alexis, it gotten Daniel mad and BAM they faught

    Why do you think the list was written?Because Fletcher was mad at alexis and he wanted daniel's help
    April 25th, 2011 at 03:06am
  • Divide the Joy

    Divide the Joy (100)

    United States
    well here is me making up my comments in a very condensed way

    Chapter 16 - Fletcher was a real jerk in this chapter. He really gave himself away. I found this line to be very cute: No matter how much I pushed him away, he never gave up. He always came back.

    Chapter 17- Daniel cheeks reddening because he told Alexis he liked her was too cute. Love how cocky it made Alexis that definitely shows something

    Chapter 18- Ace is cool beans wish he would just tell Alexis though. I would kind of be upset if she and him got together it would be expectedly unexpected

    Chapter 19- Alexis mom frustration is making her seem so bitchy. Love Daniel so much he is just all around awesome. I love how Fletch knew Alexis was following him, yet didn't say anything to her. At first I wondered how they were connected, but now I know.

    Chapter 20- “You’ve gotta stop playing hard to get! I know you like me,” Daniel said that killed me. The way her teacher did the project was type slick. I think it's finny she is afraid to let Daniel in, yet everyone told her to leave Fletcher alone and she didn't kind of deserved it.

    Chapter 21- This made me think Mean Girls so much.

    Chapter 22- Didn't expect that Fletcher did that. What if the friend who dared him was Daniel and that's how he got Daniel to help write the list. Daniel would lose brownie points for that
    April 25th, 2011 at 02:36am
  • NothinNNomore

    NothinNNomore (100)

    United States
    I liked this chapter.
    No, I was surprised that's what he did.
    Kind of, but I'm still unsure about him.
    I think they had a huge fight. Possibly over something about Fletcher's past or Alexis.
    I think the list was written as some sort of random thing. Maybe they both liked her and decided to make a list of pros and cons.
    April 25th, 2011 at 12:54am

    ALLSTARLOVE333 (450)

    United States
    THis chapter Was AMAZING!!!! :D

    I had no ideas on what he did, but dang that is something terrible I mean poor kids

    I am BARELY starting to like Fletcher more I'm still team Daniel

    I think they stopped being friends because of her, and that would be the reason for the list an attempt to keep them friends
    April 24th, 2011 at 08:44pm
  • bob morley

    bob morley (100)

    United States
    No, actually, after that chapter, I hate Fletcher even more. Because he's an asshole who dumped the school Isaac goes to. I don't care if it was a bet. :P It was mean.
    And I still have no idea why they wrote the list! I can't figure it out...
    Okay. I want to know what happens. :)
    April 24th, 2011 at 08:39pm
  • Cecila220

    Cecila220 (100)

    United States
    And I agree with ParentalAdvisory, they do always blow her off
    April 24th, 2011 at 08:26pm
  • Cecila220

    Cecila220 (100)

    United States
    Oohhhh drama! Update soon!
    April 24th, 2011 at 08:25pm
  • ParentalAdvisory

    ParentalAdvisory (100)

    United States
    This is just a thought, but did they stop being friends because they both like Alexis? Or perhaps it was more extreme then that. It angers me that Fletcher kind of just blew her off about the whole vandalism thing. Can't wait for another chapter :)
    April 24th, 2011 at 06:15pm
  • ryanadams

    ryanadams (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    can you please update like before wednesday. omg. can she please just get with fletcher already. dear god. asdfghjkl. IT'S JUST SO GOOD. and i now follow you on twitter <3
    April 24th, 2011 at 05:46pm
  • MarmaladeK.Gnome

    MarmaladeK.Gnome (100)

    omargawsh my guess was right :D ok now i'll answer the questions ;

    What did you think of this chapter?

    Well it's pretty cool, a little annoying about how short, but it's nice how it's straight to the point. Certainly not a filler :P

    Is that what you expected Fletcher had done?

    Hmm, i was thinking more of him being in a gang, and he was framed for having done something. I thought that because , wasn't he supposed to be uber dangerous?

    The rest i pretty much answered in my last comments haha :P
    April 24th, 2011 at 05:43pm
  • MirrorRain

    MirrorRain (100)

    Wooh! Awesome!! Ok, new person here so I'ma answer these Q's anywhoo.

    Q1- The chapter was the shiz. lol
    Q2 - I kinda expected some sort of high class thing (rape, murder. Mainly murder) but then I suppose he would have gone to jail for that. Either that or he went to that school himself, but did it after school so he.... ok, i don't know.
    Q3 - Uh, no. The guy did it for a DARE. That says that if he was dared to do other stuff (jump off a cliff, rape, murder, ect) he'd do it!! I didn't think that he was really that silly. But I tell you, if Daniel made Fletcher do that dare, they'd be more trouble!!
    Q4 - Betrayel? Maybe they both like Alexis and had a fight over it? I thought they would have gone 'Bros before Hoes' if that was the case.
    Q5 - Reasons why they shouldn't like her? How to change her? Maybe they both were in denial about it. :)

    Anyway... more please?
    April 24th, 2011 at 04:49pm
  • caitlinstarz

    caitlinstarz (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    My guess is that they both liked alexis and made the list in a way to see who she was more suitable/ha more in common with. Idk something like that.
    Love this story can't wait for the next chapter! :D
    April 24th, 2011 at 04:31pm
  • chrissie.marie

    chrissie.marie (100)

    United States
    Okay, I'm going to do my best here to answer these questions...
    What did you think of this chapter? It seemed very fast-paced and left me hanging!
    Is that what you expected Fletcher had done? Not at all, but it definitely makes sense.
    Are you starting to like Fletcher a little more at the end of this chapter? No. I think he's a pompous arse. Honestly, knowing what it was that he did made me like him even LESS after this chapter.
    Why do you think Daniel and Fletcher stopped being friends? Huh. Good question. I feel like it was either a fight over her... or maybe Daniel was the friend who dared Fletcher to vandalize the school.
    Why do you think the list was written? I really have no idea about this one, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see... :)
    April 24th, 2011 at 04:21pm
  • softballstarr13

    softballstarr13 (100)

    United States
    What did you think of this chapter? I loved it except it kinda left me hangingggg D:
    Is that what you expected Fletcher had done? No, not at all. I expected him to have killed someone or something like that.
    Are you starting to like Fletcher a little more at the end of this chapter? Nope. Not at all.
    Why do you think Daniel and Fletcher stopped being friends? I think they had a fight over Alexis.
    Why do you think the list was written? Umm, idk but I have a feeling we'll find out.
    April 24th, 2011 at 02:47pm