Heartbreak Warfare - Comments

  • fascination.

    fascination. (100)

    United States
    first comment, woo <3!
    easily one of the best layouts I've seen from you,
    and I love the banner! it gives an eerie kind of feel
    an intense begnning, questoning love already
    aww why is the girl crying like that?
    I get that, she's not sure, and she doesn't want to lie to him
    but I also get Logan's frustrations,
    after he has told her so many times, he wants it in return
    aww no, don't get mad Logan, no no no!
    it seems like they've had this relationship for a long time
    I'm curious to know how long they've been together
    I really, relaly like this. it was deep
    and not your usual super happy perky love story
    ( which I enjoy just as much :D)
    it had more emotion to it, and I really liked that
    great job :D
    February 21st, 2011 at 09:04pm