Dear Josh, - Comments

  • Your layout is amazing x1,000,000

    Y’know, I’ve always hated sarcasm because of how mocking it is. It just seemed mean and penetrating to me, but when I started talking to you, it just sort of worked. I really loved that part. It wasn't all 'i've always loved sarcasm, so when he said that joke, i was like, <333'
    >.> yes, i really did say that. So yes, i really did love that part.

    The style of your writing is really precise and very beautiful. It's as if i can feel your emotion in those words. And that is really amazing.It also made me smile when you quoted The Princess Diaries, it really made it cute.

    This was so, so sweet. I adore it <3
    May 1st, 2011 at 05:10am
  • I thought I commented this before... It must have been in my mind cause I know I read it before... I do have a habit of being a silent reader...

    ANYWAYS again it's very sweet. And I really liked this layout.
    April 26th, 2011 at 02:03am
  • This is so sweet, it made me smile.
    April 17th, 2011 at 11:38pm
  • I LOVE THIS! :)
    I'm sorry I can't write a paragraph like everyone else, but I loved this story!
    February 21st, 2011 at 07:23pm

    The Layout is so pretty. :) The font is perfect, and the banner is beautiful. The mood it sets really fits with the story. I like the summary, as well.

    Character Analysis This Josh kid seems so sweet. And you, doll, seem amazing as well. :D And of course they're realistic, since it's a true story, eh?

    Descriptions The descriptions are beautiful. They're realistic. I think you really describe how much you care about this fellow perfectly.

    Style is very interesting. It's straight to the point and precise. I like your bamswishboom sentence structure, meaning that you have chunky sentences, i.e., simple, compound, simple, complex, compound, etc. Your word choice is clear and sets the mood.

    Grammar Excellent, aha.

    Favorite Quote One of the best things between us in the balance. I’m a Libra, so being represented by the scales, I live in a world of equality and checks and balances. I think the reason you and I get along so well is because of how different we are, but not so much so that we clash, but we’re alike to the point where we mesh, but we’re not clones. I always have a really hard time explaining this concept in words, because it’s sort of abstract, but in my mind, it’s like an art. The way our minds work is just amazing. Your motives, your actions, the things you say, and how you do things—it’s so different than what I’m like to the point where it’s complementary. It’s because of this that I don’t think I could ever get mad at you. That I trust you. That I feel like you’re predictable in a safe, but not boring way. That there’s so much about you that I don’t know, but I’m so anxious to figure out. That I want to be around you all the time to feel this harmony. That you and I understand each other, no matter how extreme or eccentric the other is. I feel like I can pretty much tell you whatever and you’ll find a way to understand, to put yourself in my shoes and walk around in them (Thank you, Harper Lee).

    That is a wonderful paragraph, especially the first sentence.

    This was so sweet. I really enjoyed it.
    February 21st, 2011 at 03:33am
  • This is so amazing. It made me smile through out it all, because it reminds me of a guy I know. I loved it, and hope your guys's friendship (maybe something more?) keeps going.
    February 21st, 2011 at 03:03am
  • This is the sweetest thing (: You're an amazing writer, obviously. Question, are you going to give this to Josh?

    February 21st, 2011 at 02:59am
  • This is so adorable and cute and just amazing, it's because the words came from your heart. My comment can't possibly give this letter justice but I can imagine that writing this gave you a lot more happiness that my comment ever could. I'm getting off topic here but your letter just made me feel happy. :)
    February 21st, 2011 at 01:59am
  • i love that you quoted to kill a mockingbird and the princess diaries. . . one of my fav. books and movies! :D

    &now about this, it's really sweet and well worded. it's like i can feel all your emotions. and i really hope that you continue writing like this. it was truly great [:
    February 21st, 2011 at 01:57am
  • The layout is really, really pretty.
    It's organized, efficent, and cute. :) <33
    The summary was pretty sweet, too, hehe.
    It was adorable.(:

    This little, minor thing make you


    Now, I’ve always been a tiny person. After sixteen years, I still haven’t reached five feet tall, whereas you’re over six foot easily. Something that’s crossed my mind when we’re together is that even though you’re so much bigger than I am and you could easily crush me in a heartbeat, you don’t. You see me and you still haven’t stepped on me yet. Yeah, I know it sounds stupid and you’re probably laughing, but it happens more than you think! I’m not an amazing person; I’m not fun, or exciting, or great, or a lot of things, so I blend in and am easily forgotten. But not with you. You remember me and to quote The Princess Diaries, “you saw me when I was invisible.” You make me feel safe and protected and I love that.

    I swear, I think I love you, dearie. I'm sorry, but I really, honestly had to pull this whole paragraph out because I adorded it so much. It's just the sweest thing in the whole wide world and I want to keep this in my heart forever. :) <33

    Wife, this is absolutely brilliant and heartfelt and even better - it's from you.<33 I wish I could express just how cute and gushy this made me feel while reading it. I imagine it was that feeling, multiplied by a bajillion tons while you were writing, it, aha. (:

    Really, I adorded this. I think you did a fantastic job, missy. :) <33
    February 21st, 2011 at 01:20am
  • I'm going to quickly say how I like the banner because I do!

    Can I ask you a question? Why has nobody commented on this yet? It's incredible, just so you know. It's so sweet and lovely indeed.

    I sat down a couple hours with the determination to write you a piece. The more and more times I wrote it, the worse it got.

    Great opening, I just loved it.

    Josh, you have this ability to make me smile in more ways than one
    Cute line, I liked the way the sentence started with Josh.

    I think the reason you and I get along so well is because how different we are, but not so much that we clash, we're alike to the point where we mesh, but we're not clones.

    My favourite line! So poetic and beautiful.

    This is kind of uplifting and inspiring. Perfect of detail and great flow to it and I really enjoyed reading it. This comment won't even do this justice.
    February 21st, 2011 at 01:13am
  • Comment virginity has been stolen! :D
    Lol sorry, that's the first time I've stolen someone's comment virginity so its kind of exciting.
    Anyway on to your story, or letter rather. I thought this was absolutely adorable <3 It reminds me of a lettter I have saved on my computer but am unsure wat to do with. Your descripitions were amazing and while I was reading this it made me think of someone I know, of what we used to have that I hope we get back. Okay, no sadness here so enough bout that :P I really liked this part:

    One of the best things between us in the balance. I’m a Libra, so being represented by the scales, I live in a world of equality and checks and balances. I think the reason you and I get along so well is because of how different we are, but not so much so that we clash, but we’re alike to the point where we mesh, but we’re not clones. I always have a really hard time explaining this concept in words, because it’s sort of abstract, but in my mind, it’s like an art.

    You worded that beautifully. I also liked how you quoted the Princess Diaries, the quote fit nicely there. And also your line from Harper Lee's book To Kill a Mockingbird. (I love that book) Normally one shots and drabblles leave me almost hanging, wanting more because it feels incomplete, but your letter ended perfectly. I really liked this <3
    February 21st, 2011 at 01:12am