Want & Need - Comments

  • Twitch HOLY SHIT.

    Baby, this was like... like an orgasm ten times over. This was like reading the most sexy of hips. *L* I can't even articulate it's hotness. It just made me loose my marbles and go "UNF UNF UNF UNF" goauhga I can't even. even. This was like Altair in my mind all way through. The fucking arrogance and the the the sexiness it just had me wrapped around his little finger and... I am drooling. I love that you didn't name them, because that means I can. And he's Altair. I don't even care who she is- she can be Maria for all I care.

    I need to lick him all over and just just. hgaoug. I am all needy now.
    Happy face
    February 27th, 2011 at 02:43am

    I absolutely LOVED this! No joke! You're really great at writing! Keep up the amazing work! :D

    Ohhh, and this counts as a happy ending. You said in 'As Tou Held Me' that you can't write happy endings, and you're wrong. This was sweet and loving.

    Okay, I'll be going :P gooooood job!!
    February 22nd, 2011 at 08:12am