Heaven Sent - Comments

  • I don't even fugging know what to say, bro. I mean, I love this story, and omg her new friend is so cute, and aklshdglkhasldkgh lasdkhgl RED. I can't even explain, or begin to, how amazing he is. Everything he says, I just die laughing! And guh Izzy's brutha is sooooo fineeee~ Just saying! :3 Please update soon - I know you're probably already working on a new chapter, but I am loving these frequent updates. So please, keep them coming! <3
    March 5th, 2011 at 04:45am

    thank you for being the first author that writes good stories that's using the name isabelle and making her play the piano.


    other than that i loved the whole "swimming" concept, it was beautifully written.
    March 5th, 2011 at 04:19am
  • This is getting better and better with each chapter! Chapter 3 was hilarious, and I am loving Tyson. Already the way that he is forcing Izzy out of her comfort zone is great. Although I wonder when Izzy will start doing things for herself, yes she says she loves playing the piano, but I want her to do something spontaneous.

    Also, in Chapter 4, Tyson's comments about Izzy being sick have really piqued my interest. Although I really do love that you don't just throw a bunch of info at us all at once. Izzy meeting John and Jared at the library was hilarious, especially since they were trying to pick up girls. So fantastic. I can't wait to see what happens next!
    March 4th, 2011 at 08:20am
  • LOL

    What a great chapter! I had no idea you updated until now :P But still....heh

    Ugh, fighting. :( And it bothers me how she's just so indifferent. But I guess in her raising, that's totally expected and everything, you know? It's just... yaekashdfkdsjf heh.... Her mother is still a bother, and her brother still totally rocks and everything.
    I liked the piano piece, with him coming to hear her. That was really thoughtful and he didn't try to talk about anything- he just turned the brotherly attention to her and wanted to be there for her. It was also sad that he couldn't actually play anything anymore! :3 Hopefully, though... hopefully in time, he'll return to that art.

    HAHA. Jared and John are too hilarious... Juba. Juba. JUBA! That's just hilarious. And I love how you brought out a little bit of smart-alec in her with them. How was she wasn't completely naive and just disgusted, but amused and disgusted. Very entertaining!

    Loved it, the characters and scenery and all is perfect.

    March 4th, 2011 at 03:41am
  • Love this story <33.
    Is the ending paragraph like supposed to be like of the future?
    March 4th, 2011 at 01:04am
  • I'm really liking Tyson. He's a good brother and he's exactly what she needs from what I can see already. He acts like my friends do, in all honesty so I'm loving it :)
    Her mother sounds... I don't know... not very nice, I guess. I don't know what's wrong but it's obvious that something is up with her.
    On another note, your wording is impeccable and the characters you've created are wonderful. Keep it up! :D
    March 3rd, 2011 at 04:57am
  • This story, holy God. It's so good so far! I can't wait for an update - I know this comment is kind of shitty, but I felt it necessary to leave one because I request the next chapter as soon as possible! :D
    March 3rd, 2011 at 01:27am
  • Her mom = the devil. Just saying. I know you told me that she might earn back my love at the end but I don't see it because she's got something up her butt.

    But omg I love her brother! Tyson. Hehe. Reminds me of Tyson Ritter from AAR. xD And I love the part where he goes and runs around the whole bowling alley, getting high fives from all the kids at the end of the alley. He is so cute! xD

    I can't wait for Jared to come into the story. Even though it's not even about him. But he's red, so my excitement is understandable. You know where I'm coming from. His pick-up lines are going to be so great. Guhhh.

    And lakshdglkhadsgh I CAN'T WAIT FOR GARRETT TO MAKE AN ACTUAL APPEARANCE. It's his fugging story, so I hope he shows up for real soon! :3

    All in all, this story is so made of win that I can't even begin to describe it. <3 Update soon, chiquitita.
    March 3rd, 2011 at 01:25am
  • Aww thanks for the notice at the bottom :)

    It didn't have Garrett, but it was still a great chapter!

    I'm so glad Tyson got to drag her out of the house and start her little rebellion and all. It was a very satisfying moment :) Even though she didn't really like it at first either... hehe

    He took her shopping. A brother took her sister shopping. I'm still trying to wrap my head around but you put it together perfectly anddd lol her not wearing jeans... how does a girl get to be 17 and not own jeans? Seriously? NOT COOL. I would die. haha... but still. The boutique scene was simple and to the point, and everyone came away satisfied! So that was good.

    LOL hasdfjakdsfjdsk fjad bowling... -.- such memories. But this was classic and hilarious. Bumpers are totally the best, for one thing. And her skills are wild. I actually do that a lot- it bounces- but it's never stopped on me. Just my brother who goes sloooowly.... but that was awesome. And then her whole mood changed when she knocked those pins down! That was a great rush of freedom for her. And TYson high fiving strangers- I knew I'd like him! Haha :)

    Ugh. her mother. -.- Hopefully nothing bad comes from that!! Twould be nasty kfjadskfj that little witch....seriously :P anyyyyways.... But yeah! Great chapter, start to finish. Everything about it was fun and solid :)

    And then Garrett will arrive soon. So wonderful!!!

    March 2nd, 2011 at 10:55pm
  • lol go polyvore ;)

    That was a wonderful chapter! The setting for her life is pretty much complete, although we're still missing a few pieces. But still. It's a great start.

    I don't like her workaholic absent mother- maybe she's there, but she's not really there, caring or anything. That seriously irritates me about parents. >:( You've built the three characters very well, with the horrid mother, the college brother who's struggling to be himself and guide his sister in the same direction- Yay Tyson- and Izzy, the shy girl who does what she's told and hasn't exactly ever lived.

    Everything is being put out extremely well and I can't wait to see more! It's beautiful.

    March 1st, 2011 at 10:14pm
  • This has really caught my attention and it is something a little different than what I have been reading. I'm excited to see where you take this!
    March 1st, 2011 at 09:44pm
  • I like ze new chapter. Her brother is so cute! :D Like guh he's just adorable and outspoken and pretty much everything she isn't, but it's okay because they're so cute together, you can just tell how much he cares about his widdle sister! :3

    I cannot wait for another update! <3
    March 1st, 2011 at 09:37pm
  • heh heh heh
    March 1st, 2011 at 09:05pm

    The layout of course, is absolutely perfect. My roommate's sister saw my page and just sat there staring happily for a minute because it's so brilliant! No joke!

    This prologue is so perfect. I love the beginning with the simple phrase and you start explaining more, but you still don't explain and give away every detail, you know? You've put us on the surface before leading us in deeper. The wording was majestic and spectacular and I was almost drooling. ;)

    The closing of the prologue arrived too soon, I wanted more details so badly. I mean, I know a few clues because we were talking and all, but still. Still. It was just... it was amazing. It was perfect. It was beautiful. You tied it to the end and it rounded everything right!

    February 28th, 2011 at 05:49am
  • I really like this so far.
    I like the character you're building so far and the hint of mysteriousness.
    I hope you plan on continuing this! :)
    February 28th, 2011 at 04:08am
  • I really like this. I can't wait for the next update. :]
    February 28th, 2011 at 03:42am
  • THIS STORY IS PURE GENIUS. I cannot wait for you to write more because I love it so much! <3
    February 28th, 2011 at 03:21am