Heaven Sent - Comments

  • SweetPea

    SweetPea (100)

    United States
    I wonder if she has like cancer or something.....
    April 18th, 2011 at 08:21am
  • vintage hearts;

    vintage hearts; (150)

    United States
    Even though I know so much...



    Seriously. That was a great chapter. It's also a big reason why I never took ballet.... lol anyways, I bet she's a beautiful dancer and everything. And the dizzy spell and the sprained ankle... :/

    I adore Tyson so so so so sooooo MUCH. He's the perfect big brother, seriously. Immediately to her side, worried, picking her up and everything, that is just stupendous! :)

    You wrote everything very well and though we know more now... we still know NOTHING. :P Hopefully more. Ughhh I don't want her to get sick. Don't get sick, Izzy! Stay healthy!!! :3

    It was a great chapter at all lengths. The characters were all perfect, and I was drawn in immediately into every sentence, every word. Just wonderful :) Can't wait to read more!! I'm going to be anxious all week long, I swear

    April 18th, 2011 at 04:20am
  • vintage hearts;

    vintage hearts; (150)

    United States
    I sort of read this fast because I felt bad about not reading it last week. Hehh....

    Abby rocks, pushing and jumping in and everything. Hahaaha... And Emmy talking and hanging out with Izzy was just great. She's such a positive person, and yet active enough to help bring Izzy out of her shell. I can't wait to the see the friendships grow! :)

    I love your line about them all being friends, and how they wouldn't force her into that kind of peer preassure to think. That definitely gets them all a ton of respect, at least from myself. And that she can tell the character already is wonderful. Very glad! You don't need to drink to have fun.

    Jared gets drunk. I'm still having a hard time seeing it, but I think it's possible. He's a hilarious guy, after all.... anyways...lol HE PURRED. That was BEAUTIFUL!!! Haha I burst out laughing that was just so, so perfect. I had almost forgotten about all that and talking with you and stuff, siiiigh..... :)

    ...two things though: Bently. Was that just a random side thing? Or something more??? I'm so curious!! Can't wait to read more and find out if he has a bigger part to play or somethign random.
    And how Emmy seems to be like her brother. Is there more meaning behind that, I wonder? I mean, from what you've said and all... but yeah ;) I can see that, though. Especially how Izzy is friends already with her, you know? It's a type of character she understands pretty well.

    Another person around the Heights! o.0

    This chapter was great! I loved the detail, the events, the characters, everything. Ugh just so brilliant, haha :) And Garrett and I were just meant to be. We adore those no-bakes like no other! Haha :) I'm just so excited to read more! More friendships, dares, cookies, Izzy and Garrett!!!

    April 18th, 2011 at 03:29am
  • diet soda society

    diet soda society (100)

    United States
    I just started reading, and I'd have to say Jared is pretty funny!
    But I wanna see some more Garrett/Izzy lovin', how's that sound? :)
    April 18th, 2011 at 12:29am
  • Nereid

    Nereid (930)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Izzy is my fave character by far :)
    I think Emmy is pretty cool too
    Loving this story! Update again soon <3
    April 10th, 2011 at 09:31pm
  • SweetPea

    SweetPea (100)

    United States
    IN GARRETT'S FACE!!! Ha! Lol
    April 5th, 2011 at 05:10pm
  • Nereid

    Nereid (930)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I love this story so much :D I should comment more often, i feel a little bad about that :S
    Keep the undates coming! :)
    April 5th, 2011 at 08:45am
  • vintage hearts;

    vintage hearts; (150)

    United States
    Incredible! I loved this.

    It was great to see the more human side of her mother, for one. So we don't just have reason to hate her or anything you know? But to understand another side of Izzy's mom was really good, builds some respect and stuff. I wonder if there's any particular reason why she's tired, though....? Hm.
    Then....a party at her house.... I can't wait for that!

    kalsfjklsdfjs Chocolate nobakes. GIMME. Oh my gosh those are so good. Smart people :)

    I love how they're all so ready to include her in the group, that's wonderful! I really like that, everyone's just so easy.... lol Jared's drinking.... Though I can't really imagine him a drinker. Wierd, I guess....but yeah. Haha..... :P

    Her first dare!!!! o.0
    I loved that. Peer pressure is miserable, definnitely agreed, but victory! She's gained respect or something, I don't really know... but yeah. it worked for her, and I'm glad. :)

    Kapow, this chapter was awesome. As always! You brought in her mom and more of Izzy and the group, and everything was just spectacular. Don't make us wait so long for next updates maybe? haha :D

    April 5th, 2011 at 02:23am
  • SweetPea

    SweetPea (100)

    United States
    Her and Garrett.....too cute.
    March 29th, 2011 at 07:34am
  • vintage hearts;

    vintage hearts; (150)

    United States
    This was so incredible!
    I'm so glad things are also getting a bit better for you, as well. :)

    Finally some Garrett and Izzy time! Just adorable. I love how she realizes she is frustrated- most of the time we tend to ignore it, you know? And that Garrett wanted to listen to what she had to say, that he cared [its different than some Garrett stories where he doesn't like to talk, you know?], and that didn't offer her any bull like he apparently usually does.

    I love how they named their bowling balls! I'll definitely have to do that the next time I go bowling!! Very adorable. And that she got better and he helped her was fantastic [as was the beginning where he was helping the little girl! too cute!!]

    Then them at her piano, ugahsdkfjdkajdf. A beautiful piece and teaching Garrett and everything, just....siiiiiigh..... lol. There are no words.

    Their interactions are so adorable! I can't wait to see how their relationship grows, it's so exciting! Not to mention, he invited her to hang out with the gang the next morning- and he's picking her up. A gentleman :) He better be there. haha.... Can't wait for the next chapter!!!

    March 29th, 2011 at 01:38am
  • vintage hearts;

    vintage hearts; (150)

    United States
    Ugh, can I just....

    I love this. I really, really do. :3

    Everything about this is just so well rounded... I'd been wondering a little about her dad, but you just gave him this chapter- like you've focused on teaching us about everyone's character, one chapter at a time. And all the same, it's still about Izzy. It's so incredible!

    I want a necklace like that :P

    it was great though, that she was able to get along with her father, that were really important to me. He's not around as much as a dad should be [in my opinion] but it sounds like he tries to make up for it, spending some time with them- but that really has to hurt, when he didn't keep to him promise. That makes me afraid he never will. :(

    I also enjoyed Tyson in this. Or most of it, haha. He got along with his dad as well, and it sounded like the fight was over with their mom- which hopefully is a completely good thing and he's not promising to do anything he doesn't want to do... yeah, I don't really know what I'm talking about. But yeah. Though of course it was disappointing again to find that he was not only ditching on the bowling, but going to his Ex. I just never like that idea, you know? :/

    You didn't add Garrett. But I forgive you. As long as he's there, teaching her to bowl in the next chapter. yes? right? uhuh? You better! Haha

    Great job as always, though. I really enjoyed the solidity of the chapter, though her fingers have to hurt from playing the piano constantly. seriously.... haha ;)

    March 15th, 2011 at 07:27am
  • pikachuz.

    pikachuz. (100)

    United States
    God, I love this.
    I just asjdkskdj I love Izzy's character, and how you're taking your time to flesh her out.
    And of course, I love the guys, too. :3
    <3 I can't wait for more.
    March 13th, 2011 at 05:10pm
  • ally...

    ally... (100)

    United States
    First, I found it cute and nice that John and Garrett stayed to get Izzy to come with them. Some might interpret that as stalker-like, but I'm glad that Izzy is making friends. I also find it hilarious that Tyson is kind of shocked that she is making friends. He would be the proud parent in this situation. I just love the normalness of this story.

    Again, I love the way that you slowly dole out pertinent information. Each new piece has me loving that we are getting to know Izzy even more and I am that much more curious. Especially the story (at least Izzy's inner monologuing) about Jesse. I was cringing while the guys were talking about cliff jumping and Izzy was reliving that moment, also because my cousin almost died cliff jumping. I loved that I was able to make the personal connection, even if it was in the most obscure of ways. I also found it hilarious how Garrett broke his wrist.

    Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
    March 12th, 2011 at 11:44am
  • oh! darling

    oh! darling (100)

    United States
    Okay your story is so amazing I can't even describe it. I can't believe how far you have written on it either, it's just so cute and you're already past 13 K and jesus h christ how in the heck did you do it so fast? Lawdy lawdy. And I can't believe I'm keeping up with it. xD

    Please please please post another chapter tomorrow. I want to know what happens next! <3
    March 10th, 2011 at 04:09am
  • vintage hearts;

    vintage hearts; (150)

    United States
    Another update! Wonderful, as usual!

    John held the door open, props to him! He's definitey turned into the big brother's best friend thing, you know? Casually pretending to hit on the younger sister but still respectable and all. I likes that.

    Emmy is great, introducing everyone like that, love in the introductions! Already knowing I'm going to be liking most of the characters, seriously. You write everyone so well in their own unique style, I adore this.

    I canNOT wait for the dares.

    Though it was sad about Tyson's friend. :/ Very,, very sad. It's funny how life plays with us. Some live, and some don't....

    Glad that the not-swimming thing worked out, and she didn't get pushed in or anything- yet?- Maybe Garrett will teach her? o.o Haha. And thanks for sharing the story about what happened to his wrist! Silly little kids- they're always the problem! :P hahaha....

    Anyways, definitely enjoyed this chapter and the ending! The friendship betwen Garrett and Izzy is growing, I can feel it! Stoked to see how this works out! :3

    March 10th, 2011 at 01:49am
  • takeiteasy

    takeiteasy (100)

    United States
    Loved it!!!
    I love the last dress that she came out in.
    Update soooon
    March 9th, 2011 at 09:51am
  • Simply Ace

    Simply Ace (100)

    United States
    Finally, I was able to read the last two updates! :P
    They were amazing, very much like the others before it. I'm really curious but I'm not going to outright ask what's up with the whole family sitution with Izzy. Something is telling me that there is a lot more that needs to be seen yet so I'll just be patient and continue reading this magnificent story.
    It's very well written and I'm kind of wondering where all of your subcribers are.
    There should be a whole lot more than what you have right now, just sayin'...
    Back on topic though, I'm,excited for the next chapter and I'm still not finding her mother's attitude very attractive.
    March 7th, 2011 at 03:23am
  • vintage hearts;

    vintage hearts; (150)

    United States
    firstly, cute dress! in the polyvore... lol it was gorgeous :)
    Ummmmm lol yeah. Okayyy where to put it...

    She kept her doctor's appointment pretty discreet, which is good, I suppose? More importantly, her results were good and that's very good news!! Lol garrett's wrist... What happened? I'm extremely curious! Hopefully you'll tell us soon, I hope? ;)

    Her mother. Ugh. UGHKJKSJf uuuuuiasjkdsj kjsdkagj Bleh. That's all I have to say for that...that thing. :P

    They go inside her house! Lol. More towards errr friendship and all. But I love how they waited and wanted to invite her! That was pretty cool :) They take her to her house.... Tyson! I love Tyson, haha. And he's very accepting, which is awesomee.

    Shopping! Such aboys....alsguij John hitting on cashier woman. Haha. Go Garrett for hitting him :P Still funny. Ummm so yeah. I love how you've introduced Garrett and all. John's alread practically becoming a staple in her life and I can't wait for that with all the boys!
    And I can't wait to find out what goes on at the party! :)

    March 7th, 2011 at 02:07am
  • ally...

    ally... (100)

    United States
    The whole purring thing made me laugh out loud, especially when John tipped his chair back. I loved Tyson's reaction to Izzy making friends. Again with the mysterious check up or alluding to being sick, I can't wait to find out what is happening with Izzy. Yay for Garrett's appearance into the story!
    March 5th, 2011 at 05:22am
  • vintage hearts;

    vintage hearts; (150)

    United States
    Such a great chapter! Incredible! I loved it! hehe
    Where to start, umm....
    I love how the guys stuck around to talk to her and all, that was a bunch of fun. It showed more of their character, that they're actually really nice guys and everything! Very glad of that. THE PURRING. Dying, I was dying. Just thinking of Jared's claw in that one maine video update? hahahahaaaHAAAAA

    Emmy seems cool ;) Totally confident and cool, like her brother and everything. There wasn't much between them, but just enough to know they're related and everything. Very neat. And It's awesome how they all give her a ride home. Hehe to Tyson as well, her seeing him.... :P haha

    To The Heights. Lovely house! Totally rich girl, but she's not snotty or anything which is super nice :)

    Wonderful chapter! And just a piece with Tyson was great as well. Haha, his reaction... but great for Izzy.

    GARRETT. X) haha yay! What happened to his wrist?? o.0 I wonder... but he has been introduced! That's wonderful! I'm glad he's there and her second view of him is getting better which is fantastic! Great one!

    March 5th, 2011 at 04:46am