The Hopeless Romantic's Guide to Loveless Life - Comments

  • Yayyyy an update! :D sort of! I'm bummed you got rid of the original two chapters, but I do really like this new one. I was curious how you were going to keep this story going, but your writing is amazing, so I figured you'd pull something phenomenal out. And you did :) no surprises there. We all giggle at the Old Cat Lady stereotype, but that's a great relatable tie to stick in there since Ronan has such a wittily advanced thought process. I've always been amazed by writers who can go on for pages with a really great story, and then you realize, physically, nothing much has really happened. That's exactly how you write! Technically speaking, all that's happened is her friend has waken her up, told her she got the job she wanted, and now she's gotta hold off on having children. I just said that in two lines. I really want to hear about this pregnancy! Update soon!
    October 1st, 2011 at 09:34am
  • Thanks for updating.

    Clever as usual. Lovely as usual. :)
    June 1st, 2011 at 11:17pm
  • Lovelovelove. Still one of my all-time favorite online stories <3

    I kind of was expecting this to be more of a tell-all, like...the portion of Easy A--for lack of a better comparison--where she's in front of the webcam recounting her story, but you've incorporated the storytelling monologue into a legitimate story :) too cool; I'm super jealous right now.

    Can't wait for more! I'm seriously pimping this story out to all my friends.
    May 31st, 2011 at 03:56am
  • I agree with the avoce user.

    You are brilliant. Genius. Stunning.

    I'm... I'm... oh my god, I'm freaking in love with this.
    May 23rd, 2011 at 01:21am
  • You are officially the most brilliant human being on the face of the Earth. I even put you ahead of my academic team captain boyfriend, and that's saying something. Your cynical honesty is all to refreshing, and I fear I will now be checking for updates far more frequently than I care to admit lol.

    Your New Hooked Reader
    February 28th, 2011 at 03:40am