'Cause Love Is A Selfish Thing - Comments

  • This was really cute. Even though it's been a few years since you finished it, I decided to read the series and I really enjoyed it. Very realistic when it comes to relationships and I just loved the story. :)
    Great job with it. :)
    October 4th, 2015 at 07:46am
  • awww Tay and Jack would be a cute couple! i'm not certain on this though but isn't he like a foot taller than her? she seems a bit on the short side at least from what i've seen haha

    but she said yes!!!!!! fucking FINALLY! i'm going to miss this story a lot...can't wait until your next one though :)
    January 10th, 2012 at 10:16pm
  • It's quite bittersweet that I won't be reading anymore stories about Alex and Clarke, I absolutely loved how you ended this story. It's conclusive in the way that they're finally engaged, but it's still open ended enough that there's a lot left up to the imagination.

    Thank you for posting such a lovely story.
    January 9th, 2012 at 07:17pm
  • So glad Oliver got what was coming to him! Too bad it was only one punch. I suspect another confrontation in the future, yes? I want a full-out beatdown! ;D
    December 21st, 2011 at 12:26am
  • Not going to lie. I loved the sap in this chapter.

    After hearing that Clarke overdosed, it only made sense that Alex would drop everything and try to find her. News like that would cause anyone to reevaluate their priorities and make sure that the people they love are aware of how important they are. And although it took quite a dramatic event for Clarke to finally explain everything, I'm glad that it played out the way it did. I thought it was a brilliant way to make the two put everything on the table.
    December 5th, 2011 at 11:24am
  • haven't commented in a while. but aaahhhh a palindrome! love it<3 not sure if you named the chapter this because of the fact it was a palindrome or because of the song by D.R.U.G.S. either way, it's AWESOME.
    She NEEDS to tell Alex about what happened with Oliver. PLEASE let her be okay!!!!
    December 4th, 2011 at 07:02pm
  • Wow. Wow is all I can say to this. I got so PSYCHED when Clarke FINALLY stood up to Oliver and made it known that she wasn't going to take his shit anymore. And then there's the next paragraph, drinking vodka. I really wasn't expecting that. I feel so connected with Clarke, the whole frustration and all and I just wanted to grab her, and smack her. But overdosing on drugs with alcohol? I can only guess the next chapter will be a hospital scene and I'm praying Alex is in it (that is assuming it's a hospital scene). He's kinda being a total dick right now. I get that he's upset and all but he never even gave Clarke a chance to explain! Grrr, they just frustrate me to no end. But i'm stoked knowing that Oliver is (hopefully) out of the picture.

    I can't wait for next week to see where you take this! But at the same time I don't want it to come because I can't believe there are only 5 more chapters :(
    November 29th, 2011 at 12:49am
  • I recently stumbled across this story and finally caught up with everything. Before I comment on the chapter, I have to say that I absolutely LOVE your writing style. The characters seem to jump off my computer whenever I read a chapter.

    Now onto my commentary on the story's recent events: I thought that things would finally turn around in this chapter since Clarke finally found the courage to stand up to Oliver, but you definitely threw me for a loop with her possible overdose. I'm hoping against hope that Clarke and Alex last words didn't take place during that phone call.
    November 28th, 2011 at 03:15pm
  • :o only 5 more? Please there better not be a funeral involved
    November 28th, 2011 at 04:58am
  • Oliver needs to fall off the face of the earth. No lie. Clarke and Alex are so PERFECT together and then Oliver is thrown into the picture and it's all ruined. This chapter was really cute though! I'm eagerly awaiting the wedding and I'm really hoping you wouldn't be so cruel as to have it while ATL are in Europe. But anyway, I'm really excited because Alex is gonna be in every chapter now!!!! I can't wait!

    I must add, the whole Rian having to but Alex's cup of noodles was hilarious, lol. It's even funnier because Alex would leave Rian to do that and Rian would buy it. Oh my God, I just love this story!
    October 31st, 2011 at 01:17am
  • I hate you. First you tease us with an entire chapter of lovey dovey Clarke and Alex time. Then you go ahead and RIP that away from us with this horrible Oliver character that needs to fall off the face of the earth! Gah! Clarke irritates me when she get's like this. All I really want is a nice Chapter of Alex beating the crap out of Oliver and then Alex and Clarke walking into a sunset hand in hand, happily ever after. Is that so hard? APparently!

    I love this story like you wouldn't believe. I constantly check my email on sundays to see when you update, I kid you not. I cannot wait for the next chapter! So psyched for the wedding and this Oliver crap and Clarke and Alex, no matter how effed up Clarke's thinking is. Grrr, I'm impatiently awaiting the arrival of Sunday.

    P.S. I'm such a horrible person for not getting back to your message in forever. You have full permission to hate me and be disappointed in me. Hopefully I'll have some down time this weekend. The quarter at school is ending on Friday so I've just been swamped.
    October 28th, 2011 at 04:11am
  • Next weeks seems so fucking far away!!! Why the hell do you stick to a structured updating schedule???? Why? Do you enjoy the torture you place upon us? Is this some sort of sick joke to you? I want a goddamn update about Alex and Clarke finally getting back together soon!!!!! Like, NOW! This totally is not fair :(

    .....Okay, now that I'm done whining like a little baby, OMG I Loved this chapter!!!!!! I love that Hadley found her dress! And it sounds absolutely gorgeous! I'm glad she's breaking from the white tradition, it really does seem fitting. And I'm just so psyched! I'm so ready to see where everything goes from here now that Clarke has herself figured out. If Clarke hadn't have realized that she wants Alex back, I can't even imagine how upset she would be about Alex asking her for a one night stand. But other then that, I'm fucking stoked for the next chapter! Update, update, update!
    October 10th, 2011 at 06:10am
  • I've just read both of the prequels to this story and this all in a day and I'm seriously in love with Clarke & Alex and hope to god they get back together!
    September 30th, 2011 at 02:07am
  • Ahhh! I'm really, really excited! I love that she's moving in with Kara! I sooo did not see that coming at all! And I love that Lisa saved her from Oliver AND helped get her in touch with Kara. I swear, I love when Lisa isn't the bitch. I'm just so excited for a lot of things! What's going to happen between Alex and Clarke, Hadley's wedding, the whole Oliver ordeal, moving in with Kara, and the sheer fact that Lisa's thrown in the whole mix! I love it all!
    But you know what I hate? I HATE Oliver! His character never set well with me in the first place. And now that he hurt her, I kinda want him to go die in a hole now. But my excitement for this story is kinda outweighing that. Could it be possible for you to update before next Sunday? You would just make my life if you did.
    September 27th, 2011 at 09:12pm
  • Omg! I'm sooo sorry I haven't commented in what feels like eternity! But that's not the point, this chapter is the point!

    So I have to admit, there was something off about Oliver from the very beginning, which if that's what you were planning you are truly amazing! The whole situation of her sleeping on his couch was just awkward but I (now this is a tad sadistic, lol) loved it! I really do think she should have gone back tho! I'm really, really curious to see what would have happened had she gone back. I just LOVE the party where her and Alex almost slept together. It just shows how close they are and that no matter what, they'll always be drawn together. And the whole Lisa thing, weird but I loved it! I like that Lisa has her head on straight with this whole situation and isn't like, trying to wedge her way through. Like not being a bitch! There's the word I was looking for, lol.

    I love her car! It's so small and cute! Gosh I'm just so excited for this story! And Hadley and Marshall's wedding! Omg! I'm so giddy about it, lol. EEEEp, I can't wait for the next update!

    P.S. I'm working on your reply, it's just that school started and I can't find time to do anything but read on here anymore :(
    September 13th, 2011 at 04:24am
  • Oliver bothered me from the beginning. Now I think he's a creepy serial rapist too.
    September 12th, 2011 at 04:33am
  • Clarke needs to get over herself.
    August 30th, 2011 at 03:43am
  • Im speechless. How does this story not have more comments?? Your writing is phenomenal!! :D
    August 22nd, 2011 at 07:17am
  • Holy fuck! Did that just happen? Like holy shit, was he really going to propose to her????? It all suddenly makes sense now. But seriously, Clarke's kinda pissing me off at the moment. I love Jack's concern for her though, it just shows how closer they are, the fact that he openly disapproves of Alex's decisions. Sometimes friends won't say it, but I have a feeling Jack is more then willing to say that to Alex's face. But other than that, I'm really upset that Alex is bringing Lisa into this whole mess. He's was going to propose to her for God's sake! You don't just go back and try and rekindle an old flame after that! Plus, it's not fair to Lisa. Grrr, both Alex and Clarke are so annoying with their decisions right now I can't even begin to explain. I can't wait for the next update!
    August 22nd, 2011 at 04:19am
  • Neeeeeed more! :D for some reason mibba deactivated my subscription but Its fixed now :) cant wait for moore!
    August 4th, 2011 at 08:12am