The Prettiest of Liars - Comments

  • I haven't read a Gerard Way story in a while, and this was probably as good as it gets. I really like how youI haven't read a story about Gerard Way in a while, and this was probably as good as it gets. Pairing him with Ryan Ross was different, you don’t see that often, but I really like how you present the age gap and connections. It was a great read, and I’m definitely going to check out some of your other works show the age gap and connections.
    June 6th, 2012 at 07:48pm
  • i don't normally read gerard way stories, but let's be serious, i pretty much read anything you write. i don't know enough about him to know if you got his character down, but i'm sure you did cos no one has said anything to the contrary in their comments. i love reading your writing because i'm so used to just seeing brendon and ryan together and evn though you generally write brendon and ryan, its cool to actually go into depth of a character that i dont know as well, like gerard in this or pete in learning to fall.

    i also really like your writing because its so beautiful but in a way that is so different from what most people would categorize as beautiful. i loved that you kept calling things 'pretty' because, to me, for some reason, that's the perfect word to describe your writing because, in a way it's not quite beautiful because its too broken and dark to be beautiful nd it's pretty because its beautiful in a innocent and helpless kind of way. i don't really know if that made any sense, but i hope it did because it's kind of wat i've wantd to say about your writing for a long time but i havent ever quite got the words right, i've probably got them wrong again, but fuck it hahaha

    this was really good. i actually came back just to check if you had written anything. i havent been on mibba all week, but i wanted to see if you'd added anything because i love being up to date with everything you've done.
    March 3rd, 2011 at 01:36am
  • I loved the story. The plot was amazing and I loved your use of the song lyrics :) Good Luck!
    March 2nd, 2011 at 06:05pm
  • You know what stuck out the most? That Ryan is happy with Gerard and that this works; that Ryan is not trying to sabotage the relationship, like I usually read with your Ryden stories, in which, most of the times, there's no real happy ending, sometimes not even an ending (not that I'm complaining, just something that I thought I should point out).

    It's odd, how, despite the obvious age gap and how one is far more experienced than the other, it worked.

    It's weird reading you write in another character's view, outside from Ryan and Brendon. At first, I thought Gerard needed more development, because it was hard for me to picture him here, but then I realized it wasn't Gerard's character development, it was the pairing that made it difficult, at first, to see him there.

    Then I re-read and I loved it, how they contrast from each other, and how they're so different yet they were alike at some point of their lives.

    It was incredibly written, as per usual, and I loved the plot and how you incorporated the lyrics to Headfirst to Halos into the chapter as subtitles.
    March 2nd, 2011 at 04:04am
  • Dru, the amount I love your writing is a little unnerving. This is absolutely not exception. The Ryan/Gerard paring seemed random, but the connections made it great and plausible.

    The layout is marvelous. Literally, no other words. The color mix and the banner just go so well.

    I love how you took lines from the song and had them become seperate titles and different points in the relationship. It really added to the story. Your writing is brilliant, as always. One of my favorite bits were Ryan's total desperation to just become free and fly, and how deperately Gerard wants to keep him grounded.

    It was just, just wonderful, and you wrote this in one day, I don't even know how it's possible. You must be a magician.
    March 1st, 2011 at 03:30am
  • I love this story I am a huge Gerard Way and Ryan Ross fan and love them together and just loved this story :)
    March 1st, 2011 at 03:25am
  • I basically hate Gerard Way, but I must admit that I love your story! The whole "I love you. I'm sorry I'm so fucked up." worked really well for the story; and I absolutely love the whole "We were flying. I just wanted to fly." line because it definitely seems to fit Ryan's character. Well done!
    March 1st, 2011 at 03:16am
  • New story. Written for a contest.
    Gerard Way/Ryan Ross.
    I wrote this in a day (and the deadline is today). XD
    I hope you guys like it.

    Comments are love<333

    March 1st, 2011 at 02:53am