Before - During - After - Comments

  • neon memories

    neon memories (100)

    United States
    Oh my God! I love this, Isa! I love how he tells time by Gabriel and how Gabriel can't make soup, and how he finally gives thee sock back when he gets Gabriel. It was almost like he was holding it as an unintentional hostage. :) I love how he sometimes doesn't get what Gabriel says, and I love how Gabriel can be a bit of a nerd sometimes. I love how we never meet the third triplet, and how they can all be called Max. I love how Max finally gets a haircut and does all the other things he says he was going to do 'during Gabriel' but it still doesn't make him feel any better. I love everything about this story, especially the little bits. :) And the layout is pretty awesome too. :)
    Another thing, I love (God, I need a better line than 'I love' - I've used it too many times. :P) how the fact of anyone's sexuality never came up, it was a kind of 'you are what you are' acceptance, that I wished truly happened in everyday life. :)
    March 5th, 2011 at 07:58pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    i love how the story is told by time. and the layout is great, bb. i really like the way gabriel speaks, how formal it is, but it's just the way he is and no one comments it on anything. i also love how the sock is important, but only mentioned every so often. i think that makes it stand out as a symbol even more, because you're not forcing it. i like how it's sort of oblivious to max that gabriel likes him. you know everything i think about this, but i wanted to leave a comment.
    March 5th, 2011 at 02:24am