Gunshot - Comments

  • I really liked this even if I do not watch Supernatural. I adored the description in the beginning of the drabble/ one-shot; with the amount of description you put into it, I could really understand how dedicated Dean was in killing the monster or whatever he wanted to kill. I was totally convinced that he was going to kill the monster and I was surprised that is was only a dream. Anyway, this was a wonderful drabble/ one-shot.
    March 10th, 2011 at 02:07am
  • First of all, let me point out that I love that story layout! I've seen some pretty unique ones but just the colors and simplicity of the one you used appealed to me. The wavy lines reminded me of a heartbeat as odd as that may sound. They flow perfectly with the mood of the story too. I can only imagine how fast Dean's heart must have been pounding until he woke up. Fighting unseen demon's while he slept, interesting and quite a twist.

    When I first saw the title the first thing that popped into mind was suicide or an attempted one. Don't know why, but it did. When I read that he was holding it steadily in front of him I thought of murder. I don't know much about Supernatural so if all of this seems a bit weird at least you know why. It makes the story more fascinating for me since I don't know anything about it, more so than if I actually knew.

    I will admit that from the start I found my own heart pounding, odd for me, because I didn't know what to expect. I had to force myself to read slowly instead of following the instinct to race right through it. My mind and heart take on a life of their own and flow along with the pace of the story. It must have been a letdown to wake up after pulling the trigger. He finds his target and eliminates it only to wake up and realize it hadn't happened. I was surprised that his brother was indeed alive though, I half expected the dream to be part of a memory.

    The details made me feel as if I was with him, maybe standing behind and watching. I like that it's a good thing to have in a story. This was great and if it had more chapters and wasn't just a short story I would probably continue with it. Well done.
    March 9th, 2011 at 06:10am
  • At the beginning, all those two worded descriptions would flow better with commas, though I understand the effect you're going for. Actually the total lack of commas throughout the story baffles me, and a lot of the paragraphs would flow more smoothly had you included them.

    This was great though, and you captured both Sam and Dean's essences quite nicely.
    March 7th, 2011 at 04:00am
  • Ugh, dude. Dean. I imagined him and his sexiness and I wanted to hump. That man does incredibly naughty things to my brain. I totally though that this was going to be smuttily delicious though. Damn you. :)

    Oh, typo! You’re chocking me!” it's choking.
    March 7th, 2011 at 02:38am