Too Much Time. - Comments

  • I love love love love love the idea of it. I'm such a sucker for reunions.
    My crit is that I think it could have said a lot more if they said even less (like, without the confessions in the middle of the grocery story part). There's a lot I didn't think needed to be voiced out loud.
    Your descriptions of their actions was amazing though, and wow, it really hurts.
    Great effort.
    March 25th, 2011 at 11:49pm
  • I think I already read this on Livejournal, but finding it again on here felt pretty nice : )

    You write subtle yet really powerful emotions incredibly well In Love There's so much pain in that last sentence with Gerard having tried to move on so far in his life; he found somebody else, got married and even had a kid. But he still thought about Frank that whole time, and there's so much subtle regret and unsaid apologies. There's so much that is not being said aloud, but you can still know exactly what they mean to say in their short little conversation alone.
    This was wonderful.
    March 23rd, 2011 at 08:16pm
  • It definitely works as a stand alone, but that is utterly brilliant. Congratulations, it was really good.
    March 19th, 2011 at 07:56am