The Ideas Found In Your Marijuana - Comments

  • whiskey rivers.

    whiskey rivers. (100)

    United States
    I love the way Brendon reacts, first in disbelief then in complete shock. He's practically speechless at the thought of the band breaking up, and I honestly wouldn't expect much less from him. I also like how calm Ryan is about the whole thing, I'm not sure if it's just the drugs talking or not, but the nonchalance with which he breaks such devastating news is absolutely inspired.

    Again, really excellent work!
    March 12th, 2011 at 10:35pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I'm actually high right now so I'll come back and leave you a better comment when I'm not. XD

    The title is absolutely genius. It doesn't make sense in an obvious way. It's this subtle beautiful way that only makes sense if the story makes sense, which I love. It's like a secret you have to earn the right to see.

    I love how minimal the conversation is. For such a large concept, such a large idea, it's simple. Or seems simple rather. When you peel back the conversation you see it's not simple at all.

    Brendon going to grab the bong . . . just . . . how he can't and won't and just wants to pretend it didn't happen.

    This one is dangerously close to beating Midnight Haze for me.
    March 10th, 2011 at 04:16am