Everywhere - Comments

  • Angel-VS-Demons

    Angel-VS-Demons (100)

    United States
    I think it’d suck to have a fear of children, cause as you stated, they’re everywhere. This was well written, good job!
    August 1st, 2011 at 07:33pm
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    I think that this story/one-shot is one of the most unique ones that I've ever read on Mibba; a fear of children? That's so odd, but I guess to the people who suffer it, it's not so weird. Anyways, I felt my heart racing along with the character while I was reading this. I don't have a fear of children - seriously, I live with two crazy little brothers, haha! - but this was just so...bizarre! And the MC had a panic attack - a horrible one, I can imagine - that landed her in a hospital? Hmm. It sort of freaked me out how scared they got when they just saw the little girl and her mother there, just looking at her, not even doing anything. Oh, and I noticed a tiny error here: The curtain at the end of my bed was pulled open ever so slightly. I leaned my head back and waited for a nurse or doctor, as I tried to recount the events that landed me here. The curtain was pushed open ever so slightly. I turned my attention towards the intruder. You repeated The curtain was pushed open ever so slightly. I turned my attention towards the intruder. twice, btw :]
    ANYWAYS, this was very weird, indeed, but I enjoyed it. Great job!
    March 11th, 2011 at 07:46am