Music, Love and Purple Odd Socks - Comments

  • I Am Death

    I Am Death (100)

    I really liked this :)
    Despite not having the slightest clue as to who Tom Fletcher is, I got a good sense of his character from how well your descriptions of each person were.
    I liked the odd socks girl, too :) She came across as quiet and not one of those horrid, loud, in-your-face groupies, which was important I think. The feeling the story carried of the gig being that of a mystic and strange experience for Tom wouldn't have worked so well if she wasn't exactly how you described her to be.

    Your grammar is very good :D It was refreshing haha
    Also, your layout was lovely and related to the topic quite well. I used to have purple striped socks those colours lol

    The only thing I can really pick at is that you didn't follow this rule:
    Your one-shot must include the object, colour, and front man as separate things. For example, if you choose green and an iron, you cannot just include a green iron and use that for both choices. If you choose odd socks, the front man cannot be wearing them. Etc.

    But, I still enjoyed reading :D
    Winners will be posted once all entries are in :)
    March 16th, 2011 at 03:21pm