Perigee Love - Comments

  • This gave me butterflies. I have no idea who Cas is, (considering as how I haven't watched Supernatural since the second season), but that's irrelevant. This drabble is magnificent; you worded things beautifully, it's like the super-moon controlled them without them fully knowing it, it gave them that impulse to do what they wanted without giving a second thought to what the others would say. And how you managed to get this point across in such a short amount of words, astounds me. Job well done.

    You can practically see every crater on the surface, every flaw; the things that make it magnificent. Favorite line.
    March 20th, 2011 at 01:25pm
  • Beautiful compaired to what I was going to write. I truly love all your work.

    I might still have to write a drabble about them, also.
    March 20th, 2011 at 03:54am