Click Your Heels - Comments

  • hustle

    hustle (100)

    United States
    ^ Thanks.
    & As for the background I did a color matcher, and those were one of the colors. I was going to do pink, like a hot pink, or a pink to match the shoes, but I didn't feel like it would be comfortable on the eyes. I like the background, even though it's not as "WHOO" as strippers are amde out to be.
    March 23rd, 2011 at 11:44pm
  • Kstoletheberry

    Kstoletheberry (100)

    United States
    (I rate this a 7 out of 10. I am the judge of the picture contest you entered.)

    Plot: I liked the idea, the whole jealousy thing. This reads like a letter to a woman who has offended the stripper, called her those things, and she's trying to defend herself in a snooty way. I am better than you. (Ha, in my mind I had a whole other idea for this picture...about a stripper, but putting it a different way so I think that is stinting my view of your entry) I liked the idea, but based on my past experience with stripper (NOT myself, and NO I don't watch them. I'm family to one of them!) I kinda know what they are like, and some of them are like this. Some don't even think abuot the moral consequences of the job, some just treat it like that...a job and its just ridiculous. Anywhoo I LIKED it, I didn't Love Iit, but it was original and well written for the idea you chose.

    Character Development: I pictured the characters perfectly, the one thing I liked about this. I could see how the stripper acted and talked, and I could just imagine the wife quivering under her and just going...but but but but...:P

    Layout: Easy to read though I didn't like the brown background, I suggest maybe a different shade of pink to match the shoes? OR sparkles to match the shoes, maybe even white...just not brown?
    March 23rd, 2011 at 12:48pm