My Eye's Despise You for Who I Am. - Comments

  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Holy crap, this story...
    It's seriously so good! I'm really bummed to see that it was never continued. :/ And also, how in the world did it not get more feedback/comments?! WHAT?!
    For only having eight chapters, this was pretty damn amazing. Most authors can't even get to the love story in that amount of time, but you definitely managed it, very convincingly as well. The Shakespeare aspect with the plot line I also found unique; one would think that's cliche to do, but you pulled it off so that it wasn't and I found it very cute when they talked in old English. :)
    The only issue I really had was with her name. Forest or Forrest? There was a bit of inconsistency there, throughout the story, but then also differing between the summary on the info page and then the way it's spelled on the character page.
    Other than that, though, seriously no issues. Now I'm just wondering if Jack would ever grow to accept them. I was a bit skeptical of Alex's love for her, like, how he just turned off the one-night stand persona to start dating her, but then we got his POV following the accident and you can tell he truly loves her just as much as she loves him. It's really sweet. And also, glad that she made it through that; that moment had me scared for a second.
    It's been years since you last updated this, but I have faith that you could come back to it if you wanted to. Even if it's just a final chapter, epilogue, or something. I feel like it wouldn't need too much more to end, but at the same time, could continue with even more than that if you were up to it. So many different options. I would love if it continued with a lot more, but would also be happy if you just concluded it so it didn't leave us hanging.
    But, yeah, I just wanted to leave feedback, letting you know I stumbled across your story and really enjoyed it. It definitely deserved more feedback than it got. Perhaps that's why you didn't continue, or life got too busy... idk. But I just wanted to let you know if you ever do choose to officially continue or conclude it someday, I will be here to read. Would love to see an ending for these two. <3
    You're an amazing writer. I hope at the very least, you're continuing the craft on your own. :)
    July 27th, 2017 at 08:16am
  • Shamelesss

    Shamelesss (100)

    United States
    update again soon please? Love it!
    April 5th, 2011 at 10:34pm