Idioglossia Between Others - Comments

  • DragonxFox

    DragonxFox (100)

    United States
    What kind of ending was that?
    I know it suits their personalities, but come onnnnnn.

    The differences in writing are less noticable in this installment than in the last one. Honestly, I thought this was written by one person while I was on chapter 2. Kinda just remembered because of the A/N at the end that two people managed to write this, haha. Good job :)
    September 13th, 2012 at 11:41pm
  • Ramona Flowers.

    Ramona Flowers. (150)

    United States
    Please tell me when the next installment is published. This story... It's not a story in a literary sense, it's a poem in a fairytale sense. I honestly can't tell the difference between the Dru paragraphs and the Isa paragraphs - you both write in a very even tone that flows, that sounds so distant and dreamy. Gabriel is quite possibly my favorite angel character I've ever read, because he's not cocky, he's not holier-than-thou, and he's just... so human. Ryan denying the existence of angels broke my heart a little, I hope you don't intend to keep them separated.
    And yes, it sounds perverted but the sex you write sounds amazing. It doesn't read like fucking, it reads like a poem of making love. The bit with Gabriel saying he is "incapable of sin" and that he's not sinning when he's gay because he's giving love makes me smile.
    Now I think I'm finally going to understand how to write the angel chapters of my story...

    In short, I love the poetry of this story and I'm definitely looking forward to the next installment. :)
    April 1st, 2011 at 06:03pm
  • fairyfeller

    fairyfeller (1655)

    United Kingdom
    The ending of the last chapter nearly had me in tears. I had to pause every few paragraphs near the end to stop myself from crying.

    I really love the whole thing with Gabriel being addicted to sweet things, that was cute. And I love how he just keeps poping up everywhere Ryan goes. I'm guessing that Ryan is one of Gabriel's 'errands', right?

    I must say, the thought of an angel getting drunk and sleeping with people goes against almost everything I usually think of when it comes to angels, but you two have pulled it off so well that it seems natural, he seems extremely human. The 'incapible of sin' bit fits in with that really well, like Gabriel is allowed to do anything nessesary to do his job. (I also like his speaking in Hebrew during sex.)

    Talking of sex, the sex in here is amazing! Seriously, I'm loving it. That may make me sound perverted, but I think you should know how good it is. It's a little weird having Ryan topping, since in all the Panic fics I've read he's portrayed as a massive bottom, and he was on bottom in the earlier chapters, but you guys have made it work.

    He could felt it between them, slick and warm
    feel, I think it's meant to be.

    The way Ryan and Gabriel interact in this is amazing; how they bicker and tease. I really enjoyed the running theme about poets, and how Gabriel keeps making accidental references to his angelhood (like the comment about Elvis and Miller). Also liking how he's oblivitious to a lot of things such as facebook, and how Ryan has to restrain from outright calling him an idiot.

    And so, the ending.

    The way Ryan at first still denies the exsistance of angels shows a lot about his character, how he's struggled with religion a lot in his backstory. I get the impression that he's still unsure whether to believe in them or not, even after the argument.

    It wasn't time he'd heard someone
    Think it's meant to be 'wasn't the first time he'd'.

    It would be so colossally unfair to reply when he was just as close to the answers as any other human.
    Possibly my favourite line in this chapter. I love how human it makes Gabriel sound, how he questions just as much as anyone.

    So yes, I'm immensely enjoying this series. It's actually inspiring me to write maybe write my own angel story, and I shall be looking forward to the next installment.
    April 1st, 2011 at 01:01am
  • idiotheque.

    idiotheque. (100)

    United States
    i haven't read the first one, but i really liked this. i'm definitely going to subscribe to this because you know how much this idea interests me. it feels a bit weird reading ryan being with someone that i don't know, it's kind of scary and exhilirating. like, i have no idea what he'll do next. usually i can guess pretty accurately at what brendon or pete or william will do with ryan, but i don't know anything about gabriel, which i need to change.

    anyway, i love the way ryan and gabriel work together. i like that they're not the opposite puzzle peices like brendon and ryan and just like ryan said in the story, gabriel isn't his type, but there's something about them that just works. it's like the perfect relationship between a person and an angel. it's like hardly a personal relationship at all, it's really how a broken boy relates to his guardian angel. it's just so different and refreshing. it's hard to explain, i guess.

    i did find some parts a little bit awkward, but it makes sense with the way you're writing this. it's just a bit boring how the paragraphs just repeat themselves over and over, starting with ryan and gabriel do this, you know? it's a pattern that a lot of people really like, but i feel like its just a bit repetitive. other than that, everything else is amazing. it's crazy that i can hardly tell that two people are writing this, the ideas flow from one to the next, its just the technicalities within the writing that make the transitions a little stiff.
    March 27th, 2011 at 05:24am
  • Cursed333

    Cursed333 (150)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I'm starting to pick up more in Isa's writing and yours Dru. The styles flow well together and to anyone else they are probably too similar to pick up on the difference in this story. I love the characters, their contrasts and similarities. I love the idea of this story and it always leaves me wanting to read more.
    March 26th, 2011 at 03:24pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    This story will have three chapters. Then there will be another chaptered story.
    And at least two companion pieces.

    This is a co-write not by chapters. To give credit where credit is due, here is the breakdown.
    Gabriel is a character entirely of Isa's invention, an angel.
    Ryan is my character, though obviously not an original one.
    All the parts were written in a roleplay. Everytime Gabriel says or does something, pretty much, it's Isa. And everytime Ryan says or does something, it's me. It's almost entirely broken down by paragraphs.
    We appreciate all your comments because they'll help us understand where to improve and what is working in this experiment for us.
    March 25th, 2011 at 11:48pm