Written on Your Heart - Comments

  • More Carlos and Stephanie! (: So this is how they began, huh. And then Soul of Your Skin happens. You should write something about an event in the time between. I love that she turned them into a necklace. It was a great, unexpected way to end the story.

    On a scale one to five, one being "ew take this down" and five being "WOWW!", I rate Written on Your Heart at 3.9.
    June 27th, 2011 at 04:09am
  • Epic Fail *face palms* ^
    April 6th, 2011 at 05:33pm
  • First off, I love[/b[ BTR. That show is hilarious. Carlos might just be my fav so I love that. I you incorporated the words nicely in there. The descriptions were just lovely and my fav was probably: Her cafĂ© au lait legs swung back and forth off of the side of the bed. I'm taking French 1 right now XD. Plus the layout was so simple I loved it and the ending was cute.
    April 6th, 2011 at 05:32pm
  • This is the first time I read anything with Carlos/Stephanie pairing. The heart candy was adorable and I wonder if it still tastes good after being put in his locker for a while. And I hope Logan knows what he's talking about because if one day, Stephanie's dying if starvation, she'd eat the candy. Hopefully she doesn't get old-candy poison. Just a wonder!
    And now the whole flashforward situation is going on in my head and I wish they showed Stephanie more on the show
    April 1st, 2011 at 03:28am
  • I loved reading this. <3 The layout is cute, and the idea of candy hearts is just so cute for Valentines' Day. I thought the boy's attitude towards the girl was so adorable. He was so nervous, you made sure to demonstrate that. I liked that. There's not many stories where it can be portrayed so well and still look so cute.

    Job well done. :)

    April 1st, 2011 at 02:09am