The Frivolous Constellations of Our Souls - Comments

  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    You know I love your layouts; I've told you that a few dozen times but this. This completely stopped me in my tracks. That banner was lovely, that background was lovely, everything about it was lovely. I am so completely and utterly envious of it.

    One of the things that I absolutely adore about all your writing is that you make all your characters actual, full blooded characters. Look at Spencer. You could have just mentioned him in passing but you gave him thoughts and a personality in the first few paragraphs. It's completely brilliant. As the piece continued, I was pleasantly surprised to see that, although this is a story about Ryan/Brendon, it's really a story about Spencer and how he feels. He's truly a neglected member of the band but you do such a spectacular job writing him.

    You're going to kill me with the words you use, I swear to god. Spencer interrupts, pre-emptively terminating Ryan’s verbal freak-out before it has a chance to fully manifest. Mmph. Your vocabulary is just so wonderful and extensive without being really pretentious. It's lovely.

    As much as I loved what you have written here, I can imagine this story being continued in some form; I just loved the whole thing, especially how it was from Spencer's POV. It was just so unique and I've never really seen something like that, a story about a relationship told from someone else. This whole thing was just lovely and brilliant and I love you. Arms
    August 29th, 2011 at 06:21am