Believers Never Die - Comments

  • I feel really bad for Toni and Pete towards the end. I understand why Pete's frustrated, but why Toni can't move any further. I hope this doesn't damage their relationship though :/
    September 25th, 2014 at 05:15am
  • Holy shit I dealt with the same asshole type of lawyer with my ex, he always tried to say my dad's mental issues had rubbed off on me and that I picked fights that caused my ex to be crazy, so I know what Toni went through with a jerk off like that. It was an awesome update and I love how cool Pete's dad is and how sweet Pete is being, though he is a bit pushy, at least he isn't Ben.
    September 24th, 2014 at 08:31am
  • it's back in all its glory!!! i'm so happy for you! can't wait to see the continuation!!!
    September 17th, 2014 at 12:05am
  • *blink blink*

    Where do I begin? ...

    I wrote bandfic many many moons ago, a little MCR and PATD, but by far mostly Fall Out Boy, focusing (mostly) on Pete. I attended Monumentour in Toledo, and afterwards, my fire for bandfic was back. I am so happy I found this fic. You've reminded me how much fun I used to have, and given me the inspiration to begin anew with one of my own.

    I was skeptical to read this because of your disclaimer of content (not to say I didn't appreciate it; THANK YOU for putting that on there). The rape scene and the aftermath were painful to read, and I almost gave up because of it. I'm very squeamish of that kind of subject matter, for obvious reasons, but I'm so happy I didn't quit, because things only got better the further and further I went. I know you haven't updated for awhile, but when you do, you should know you have a new and loyal fan in me.

    Can't wait to see what happens next. I hope all goes well for you.
    September 5th, 2014 at 09:05pm
  • Okay I have caught up and read all of the chapters posted in this story and it's honestly the only thing I've been occupying my time with while I've been awake...seriously, I would hold my bladder full to the brim with urine in pain, rocking back and forth, to finish up the chapter I was reading. Up until now, I just love how you have so perfectly worked the plot together so well and made if fit so perfectly well together like puzzle pieces. With that being said, I would like to note how I am extremely honored to have been graced with reading this story upon just randomly searching for good fanfiction to read in general and then coming across your gem of a story.
    So I thought that I was this crazy stalker fan girl that digs up every aspect of the past that has to with Fall Out Boy, studying each individual member in the group and the events that occurred in history that brought these exceptionally talented boys together and all the extra stuff that doesn't have to do with that as well. But girl, you have schooled me on the matter. Like, I picked up on the references of real people so I could understand where you got the characters and scenarios from (btw, I wish that chick's name wasn't Morgan because we share the name and that person screwed Pete over and I just hate it okay?), but I did have to use google in order to get a better understanding of what really went down in real life because that's just how much of a die-hard fan I am. And so that means there are people such as yourself that are just as die-hard as I am (And I've seen the kick ass tattoo you have and again, I'm jealous!) and that makes me feel passionate about being a stalker because we share this common ground.
    Let me just end this wordy comment with that I think this story is superb. You have dedicated such a great amount of time to writing it and editing that you deserve every bit of recognition you receive from it and more. This story just doesn't need to be on a website such a little ole' Mibba. This motherfucker should be published! Screw rather it's fanfiction or not!!! There are only a few times here and there that I come across stories such as yours, I'm very picky in what I read because there is a certain level I have to feel that people are trying to accomplish in their writing, and if it doesn't make the cut I can't follow through. That's just me personally, and you have reached beyond that cut for me girl!!
    Also random, but I really liked that you added Sarah and Brendon's wedding into the plot. It gives me hope for Toni's future and the events that will occur to meet the love of her life again. As for the flash backs, damn you make Pete all charismatic and shit, like super charming but still obnoxious, just like the perfect combination. He sounds super sexy through your dialogue and everything, I'm like gah! I wish this was me and him secretly in my room together!!! You have just really brought him to life for me. I can picture him as a young Peter Wentz so much more accurately now than I ever have before, and I can thank you for that! I'm super stoked to see the outcome of it all, rather it's 80 chapters long or 200. I will read on my friend!!
    Okay, review over. Sorry about that. Like really, this is way too long....ok, I'll stop typing now!!!
    August 7th, 2014 at 09:21am
  • I feel you, pete with any piercing makes me feel all weird inside, in a good way Wink
    July 26th, 2014 at 05:32pm
  • i've been missing this story, man :) this just made my morning!
    July 26th, 2014 at 10:48am
  • Fuck I have to be up early and of course I checked mibba and saw you updated! I just about died though and obviously I had to read. This was such a nice chapter omg it gave me so many feels. Just everything was so perfect and I'm so glad Toni is going to talk to the lawyer and I love at the end that she says she's happy. That just made the entire chapter for me, along with Pete calling her his girlfriend of course! I'm excited for more. AND THAT SEPTUM PIERCING HAD ME FEELIN SOME TYPA WAY TOO OMG. and I followed you on Instagram so I can like all your pictures Hug
    July 26th, 2014 at 07:22am
  • I love the links to the songs at the end of each chapter. really nice touch and it really add to the feel of the story.
    Keep it up :)
    June 15th, 2014 at 05:24pm
  • i have been meaning to get around to leaving a comment, as i do to some fics, so i'm hoping that all will be forgiven lol. you have pulled and pushed my emotions in different directions from the beginning that i have to have a cigarette every time i'm done reading a chapter. i have just just begun reading it last night and i'm on 'welcome to heartbreak' chapter.

    fuck, dude.

    anywho, i hope you don't me doing this, but i put a rec link on my story. i hope you don't mind me pimpin' out your story. just spreading the good word. :) have a good one.
    June 8th, 2014 at 02:30pm
  • I hope Toni doesn't give up on charging Ben, he deserves it. I was so scared when she and Pete were arguing I swear my heart was pounding. But I'm glad they figured out, at least to themselves, what they are. That makes me happy! I was so happy when I saw that you updated!! Love love love this as always bb you're so perf
    June 6th, 2014 at 05:01am
  • Oh my god I love love love this chapter! They've finally figured out what they are! I hope Toni doesn't give up on the whole thing. Honestly I'm so excited to get to the end to weave the whole story together, not that I want it to end. I just wish I knew what was gonna happen next, you're an amazing writer!
    June 5th, 2014 at 11:31am
    June 4th, 2014 at 11:48pm
  • I am so in love with this story it's almost obscene. Your characters are fully fleshed out and your depiction of Pete is absolutely on point. I would've made Patrick a touch more nervous, but then, we both know I like me a nervous Patrick. ;) LOL. I'm incredibly envious of the way you write. You have serious talent. Please, please write a book. I'm a writer. I know people. I'll hook you up. ;)
    June 4th, 2014 at 11:33pm
  • @ chynnablueink
    omg when I saw that I had 11 comments I was like, "WHAT." Hahaha I'm just glad you're enjoying it! It means a lot coming from you, the queen of writing from Pete Wentz's point of view, so thank you Cute
    June 4th, 2014 at 06:57pm
  • Wow, my comments posted like 20+ times. Sorry about that. :p I'M OBSESSED WITH THIS STORY. I will be sitting down and finishing later. Expect 20+ more comments.
    June 2nd, 2014 at 01:39pm
  • And you're making me laugh, too. Goddamn you.
    June 2nd, 2014 at 01:29pm
  • And you're making me laugh, too. Goddamn you.
    June 2nd, 2014 at 01:29pm
  • And you're making me laugh, too. Goddamn you.
    June 2nd, 2014 at 01:29pm
  • June 2nd, 2014 at 01:29pm