The Blurred Shape of Two Pyromaniacs. - Comments

  • Everything that these people have said ^^^ i echo. This was so well written.
    April 27th, 2011 at 10:42pm
  • You are, perhaps, the only person I've seen who can convey such a powerful emotion in such a short story without the story feeling rushed. You definitely captured the emotions of Brendon and Ryan and used such vivid words to paint a picture of them in the reader's mind. The part about lyrics/lies and the last sentence were, I believe, the most powerful parts to this story. Well done.
    April 6th, 2011 at 12:46am
  • I think I liked this for the same reason as I loved Kingdom. You said so much in so little, and it all seemed a story alive and complete all on its own. You didn't need to write more words because you already said everything you needed to say.

    /"Lyrics?" Brendon asks, speaking finally.

    Ryan shakes his head. "Lies."/

    This running theme of writer/liar is really sort of like the heart of your writing now. They feel more in depth somehow. I know you've written about lots of dark themes in the past, but your characters now feel more alive, more whole. We don't need particularly bad things to happen to them to see their humanity, because you show it in the littler things, with littler words.

    The last line was a killer, and you don't often write last lines like that, I think. Usually it's just the end of a scene, but this is like the memorable last line in a memorable narration of a book/movie/whatever.
    April 5th, 2011 at 06:55pm
  • I love the simplicity in this, how it's just the two in this one brief moment, how they know each other so well that they don't have to explain themselves to each other.

    "Lyrics?" Brendon asks, speaking finally.

    Ryan shakes his head. "Lies."

    You seem to have a lot of stories about writers and liars, don't you? tehe It says a lot here about how Ryan doesn't see his words to be true or real anymore, so he has to burn them to get rid of them. A metaphor for him trying to remove all the lies from his head.

    Oh, so typical. Ryan burns something as a metaphor so Brendon burns something functional.
    Love this line. I love the contrast between Bren and Ry, how Ryan thrives on metaphors and imagery while Brendan's more practical. To me, it kind of implies that Ryan sees less meaning in lighting a joint than he does in burning lyrics.
    April 5th, 2011 at 01:01pm
  • new drabble.
    if you ever need a prompt, i highly recommend we_are_cities on LJ.
    they just never fail to inspire me.

    April 5th, 2011 at 02:19am