As I Trimmed His Wings - Comments

  • The thing I loved the most about this was that it told a story (obviously that's the point. Ha.) but it also seemed like it was sort to interpretation. You didn't just flat out explain what Ryan and Brendon were talking about when Ryan was asking him to go and why Brendon wouldn't. That was definitely the best part. I loved this.
    August 25th, 2011 at 05:19am
  • I think this is a really really sweet piece of writing. Even at the end when they were getting all sexual and all that, it was still sweet and lovely. Thing is, you can feel their bond and you didn't make it cliche or cheesy or anything, instead you made it simple even though you can feel that there's something much more complex and twisted underneath. Well that's the vibe I got anyway. xD Anyway a great drabble, and I like that you chose not to drag it out but keep it a drabble indeed. Short and sweet.
    April 12th, 2011 at 04:15pm
  • Wow. That was ... simply amazing. Definitely one of my favorites of what you've written. I especially love the first part:

    Ryan tilts his head back, staring at the stars, faint moonlight showing through clouds. He sucks on the last bit of his cigarette, reaching his other hand out behind him for the boy he knows is standing there. "Would you?" he whispers after he exhales. "Go. Would you go, Bren?"

    The boy named Brendon takes a step forward, lips momentarily tickling Ryan's neck before he fixes his eyes on the sky as well. "Can't," he murmurs, threading their fingers together.

    Ryan inhales again, dropping the butt to the ground after, putting it out with the toe of his shoe. "Can't?" Like it's a bad word, like he can't comprehend the meaning. Worse than a
    no even.
    April 5th, 2011 at 07:25am
  • the new WAC drabble was all about the moon.
    you know i was all over that shit.

    April 5th, 2011 at 04:49am